Not that bad

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It was a normal Tuesday morning I woke up to Sally watching cartoons. She started school tomorrow and I was nervous for her. I let Niall sleep in knowing that he was probably really tired. Me and Sally were making pancakes from scratch.

"Hey Sam!" I turned around and was met by a cloud of powder. "Got you!" Sally yelled as she giggled.

"Oh yeah! Well now I'm going to get you." I chased Sally around the kitchen and we had a flour fight. Are faces were covered with flour leaving us in fits of laughter. "You look ridiculous!" I said laughing and pointing at Sally's face.

"So do you!" Sally was laughing so hard she was crying.

"Hey." I turned around to see Niall in the door frame.

"Oh uhm Hi Niall this is Sally." I stood up and pointed at Sally. Her face was emotionless and she looked scared. She got up and walked toward Niall and stuck out her hand. He didn't shake it, he just nodded and turned around and went into the bathroom.

"Sally I'm sorry." I saw her and she looked hurt.

"I don't blame him for hating me. I stabbed and tried to kill his girlfriend. What he doesn't know is that his girlfriend is now my big sister. I heard you guys fighting last night. I didn't wake up because I didn't want the problem to get worse. I thought about getting up and running out of the apartment and not coming back. Before I could you had come out and brought me to bed. He looked so angry last night and it was all my fault." Her eyes began to form tears.

"Don't worry Sally. He will come around it will just take some time." I stood her up and we washed are faces and were right back to smiling and laughing. We finished making breakfast and set three places. I had sat down and Sally went into her room to get slippers. As she was walking past the bathroom door it opened. She shivered as she passed Niall. She was terrified of him.

"Hey Niall we made some pancakes for you!" I said smiling at him. He sat down next to me and we ate. Sally came out and sat down next to me. She was quiet, really quiet.

"So Sally are you excited for your first day of school tomorrow?" I asked clearing my place.

"Uhm I guess so." Her voice was shaky because now that I was gone she could see Niall staring directly at her while she was talking.

"Don't worry you will have tons of fun! Why don't you go take a shower." I took her plate and she got up and went into the bathroom. "Listen, she is a little girl and right now she is completely terrified of you. Would you ease up a little?" Niall rolled his eyes at me. "I'm serious! She is super sweet."

"Yeah and that's why she attacked you right?" He said bluntly.

"That was in the past and I explained why she did it. Just get to know her and stop being so mean to her." I walked out of the kitchen and let him alone in the kitchen. I got changed and put on a pair of ripped jeans with a cream sweater and my cream beanie. I put on some mascara and that was all. When I came out of the bedroom I saw Niall sitting on the couch and to my surprise Sally to. They were seated next to each other laughing about something. Wow that was fast I had been in the bedroom for a half an hour and they were acting like they loved each other. I decided not to interrupt but to just watch them. Niall took a brush and was brushing Sally's hair. I would see her scrunch her nose when he would hit a small knot. It was adorable. "Oh hey Sam having fun stalking?" I heard Niall say laughing.

"Oh I was just, Okay you got me!" I bounced over to the couch and sat next to Niall on the couch. He kissed me.

"Ewww gross!" I heard Sally say, she was still the typical little kid.

"Oh please!" Niall said and started tickling her.

"Oh how I hate to end the fun but we need to go get Sally's school close. Come on." I stood up and patted down my top.

"Ugh. I don't want to!" Sally whined.

"We have to!" I grabbed her hands and pulled her up.

"Fine, but can Niall come?" She looked at me and smiled big. An hour ago she was terrified of him and now she won't leave his side!

"Only if he wants to." I looked over at Niall and so did Sally with big pleading eyes.

"Oh please! Please! Please!" She was begging Niall pouncing at him.

"Hmmm let me think." He gave a thinking face and stroked his chin. "Shopping, with two girls? sure why not!" He jumped up and we all got ready. We jumped down each stair one by one. As we opened the door there was paparazzi everywhere. I grabbed one of Sally's hand and Niall grabbed the other as we walked through the crowd. We finally made to the car and drove off.

"This won't take long I promise. Oh and we also have to get some school supplies." I said stopping at the traffic light. I saw Sally roll her eyes and Niall was busy on his phone.

We arrived at the school uniform store and it didn't take long to get all the clothes and what not. Then we went to the grocery store and picked out all the notebooks and pencils and all that school stuff. While we were on the checkout line I saw Sally looking at the candy.

"Can I please get a twix? Pretty please!" She begged for one and I got it for her but only because she was good today. While we were checking out I noticed the cashier checking Niall out instead of the groceries. I get quite jealous easily. Niall noticed this and grabbed my hand and gave me a peck on the cheek. I saw the cashier roll her eyes and I smiled to myself. We got back into the car and Sally was in the back seat practically eating the entire candy bar with no one bite.

"Babe, I'm hungry." Niall looked up from his phone and rubbed his stomach.

"Okay let's go out to lunch, how about Nandos? I need to talk to my boss anyway." I pulled the corner and we parked a few blocks away. Even though it wasn't crowded or anything Niall still took Sally's hand. I took her other one. We walked down the street and a few paparazzi came up to us and took pictures but we shrugged it off. We walked up to Nandos and there was a sign that read "Doing some renovations, be back soon!"

"I forgot!" I said looking at Niall who looked like he was about to die of starvation. "Let's just go to the café down there, they have good sandwiches. " We walked down the street and the amount of paparazzi grew. We finally got into the café and we all ate with out to many disturbances, the occasional fan here and there.

We arrived back home at like 7 o'clock after we had walked around a bit. We all sat down and watched a movie, and Sally was sat between us.

"Sally can you and Sam switch seats or can you switch seats with me?" Niall asked.

"No I want to sit between you guys." She said without looking away from the television. Niall took out his phone and started texting someone. A few seconds later my phone buzzed with a text from Niall.

"Sorry babe no cuddling during this movie I know Sally won't move. Haha xx"

"It's okay babe xx" I tucked my phone back into my pocket and we watched the movie. About half way through the movie Sally started falling asleep. She eventually fell asleep on Niall and that was just adorable. Then Niall fell asleep and I took out my phone and took a picture and sent it to Rosie.

"Aren't they just adorable?"

"Oh my! Too cute. I'm guessing Niall wasn't mad?"

"Well at first he was but now they get along great!"

"That's good! Me and Harry have been doing really good ;)"

"Why doesn't that surprise me! ;)"

"Well it's all thanks to you! Okay got to go tell Sally I said good luck tomorrow! Xx"

"I will bye xx" I put my phone away and stood up and went to the bathroom. When I was walking out of the bathroom I saw Niall walking while holding Sally.

"I got her; I'll put her to bed." He said walking past me. I got changed and laid down in bed before I was met by Niall's warm embrace.

"I'm sorry I should have believed you about how sweet she was. I love you." And just like the night before I returned those three words with a kiss before I fell asleep

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