I've wanted to tell you

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I woke up the next morning and Niall had already left. There was a note on my night stand,

Morning Beautiful,

 Left to go meet up with my cousin should be back later. Love you xx –Niall

I stood up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done in the shower I made myself a cup of tea and some toast. I wasn’t planning on doing anything today because well there was nothing to do. I laid down on the couch and turned on the television to some home improvement show.

“Sam?” I heard someone say from the other side of the door. I got up and looked through the peep hole, it was Zayn.

“Hi Zayn. You could have knocked.” I said laughing and letting him in.

“Oh right.” He said nervously. He walked in and sat down on the couch. “Where’s Niall?”

“Oh he went out with his cousin today. He should be back later on.” I took my spot on the couch again and looked at Zayn. “So what can I do for you?”

“Oh uhm I just need to tell you something. It’s been bothering me for a while. Nothing can be done about it I just need to tell you.” He said quickly.

“Zayn just tell me.” I giggled. Bringing his eyes back to mine.

“Okay… Well ever since I met you at the hotel I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen…” He looked at me and smiled and I could feel myself blushing. “But you were Niall’s. But Sam I love you.” My stomach twisted at his words.

“Oh Zayn I love you to but as a friend.” I said smiling at him trying to keep this from being awkward.

“I know and it’s okay. I have Perrie and she is amazing I just needed to let you know because I have always loved you. You’re amazing and you need to know that.”

“Aw Zayn.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged him.

“You have no idea how good it feels to tell you.” He said laughing. “Even if we are just friends you needed to know.”

“Yeah friends. So what are you doing today?” I asked still smiling at him.

“Oh I don’t know. I was just going to chill out.”

“Oh want to stay here? We can watch a movie or something?” I said standing up to look in the movie bin.

“Uhm yeah sure, what do you want to watch?” He asked kicking his shoes off.

“Oh how about…” Me and Niall had so many movies I just kept looking and looking. “Oh let’s watch Step brothers! I love that movie it’s hilarious.” I put the DVD in and sat down next to Zayn and the movie started playing. We ended up watching about 4 other movies which took up most of the day but it was nice. I felt Zayn’s pocket buzz and he pulled out his phone and smile. “It’s Perrie isn’t it?” I said smirking at him.

“Yeah she just finished in the studio.” He said smiling like no tomorrow.

“Quick go! Surprise her down at the studio, it’d be so cute!” I said getting up and dragging him over to the door. “Bye Zayn.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek and opened the door.

“Bye Sam it was a nice day today!” He smiled and I closed the door. It was about 6 o’clock so I decided I would try and cook dinner for myself…this should be interesting. I looked in the cabinets for food but then I remembered I haven’t gone food shopping in a while. I should probably do that. I threw on a pair of sweats and a shirt then headed out the door. I got in my car and turned the radio on and one thing was on.  When I got to the grocery store it was packed! I had to wait online forever it felt like. When I was leaving a few girls walked up to me.

“Hey Sam!” One girl shouted.

“Oh hi guys. How’s it going?” I asked fixing the heavy bags in my hand.

“Great can we get a picture with you?” She said smiling.

“I guess so. I mean I don’t look to great…” Before I could finish she stood next to me and the other girl to the picture. Then they switched until everyone got one.

“Thank you so much!” I gave them each a hug and they walked away. There fans really were sweat hearts. I got back to our apartment and put all the groceries away. It was 8 o’clock now and I didn’t feel like cooking so I just ordered pizza. About 20 minutes later it got here and I ate every single piece. As I was falling asleep I heard the door open and sure enough it was Niall.

“Hey Niall.” I said sitting up from the couch.

“Hey babe how was your day?” He came over and kissed my fore head. He opened the pizza box probably hoping there would be some left but there wasn’t.

“It was good. Zayn came over and we watched some movies and then I went food shopping.” I stood up and carried the pizza box to the kitchen.

“Zayn came over?” He asked opening the fridge and pulling out a water bottle.

“Yeah he just stopped by to tell me… about that contest thing!” I couldn’t tell Niall what Zayn said that could ruin a lot of things.

“Oh cool well I’m kind of tired so I think I will head to bed. Night love.” He gave me a kiss and went upstairs.

*1 week later*

Today was the day the boys had to do whatever the girls wanted them to do. Oh what a glorious day it would be! All the girls hung out last night talking about what we were going to make them do. The biggest thing was should they have to do something embarrassing or sweet? We decided both! The boys had a concert this afternoon that we were going to and that is where the embarrassing part is getting done. I cannot wait for this, it will surely be unforgettable.

The next chapter should be good!xx review lovely people oh and can you guys do me a huge favor? If enough people go on this link I will post the next chapter tonight!


Thank you! xx

The link is in the reviews and comments!!!!!!!!!

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