Baby, Baby

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“Hey Sam baby wake up.” Niall gently nudged me and my eyes fluttered open. A giant grin spread across my face. “Hey babe it’s 9 o’clock at night!” It’s 9? How long had I been sleeping?

“Oh wow.” I said sitting up and giggling. I pushed my hair behind my ears.

“Okay so I want to show you something.” Niall grabbed my hand brining me over to the deck out back. The view was breath taking. All the bright lanterns were floating in the water and the moon illuminated the water as well. I looked over at Niall and he had removed his shirt. “Skinny dipping?” He winked at me. I quickly pulled my dress over my head and took off everything else just as Niall did.

“On the count of 3.” I laughed grabbing his hand. We stood on the edge of the deck and I counted. “3...2…1!” I jumped into the warm water. I kicked a bit coming back to the top. “Isn’t this nice?” I smiled at him swimming over to where he was. I wrapped my arms around his neck and planted a kiss onto his warm lips.

“I love you so much.” He said pressing our foreheads together.           

“I love you too.” I whispered back. We just stay there for a moment staring at each other. “Niall, do you want to be a dad one day?”

“Of course. But I wouldn’t want to be a dad if you weren’t the mum.” The corners of my mouth soon turned up into another big smile. I laid my head on his shoulder as the soft waves moved us around. This was a perfect moment. Only if it could stay this way forever.

Rosie’s P.O.V

“Harry!” I looked around the room. The walls were yellow with white bows. In one corner was a crib with tons of stuffed animals in it. On the wall next to the crib was written in very nice hand writing “Mummy and Daddy love you.” I felt tears in my eyes as I walked around the room. There was a rocking chair in another corner and I walked over to it pushing it slightly so it moved back and forth.

“Surprise.” I turned around an looked at Harry a big smile on my face as tears kept flowing.

“Thank you so much.” I walked over to him and gave him a huge hug.

“Now I just can’t wait to get this little baby in here.” He said looking down at me. I went onto my tippy toes and pecked his lips. I turned around and explored the room a bit more. He had chosen a pretty neutral color because we hadn’t found out the gender yet. I walked over to a little night stand and picked up the picture. It was a picture of Harry and I a few weeks ago at the park. He had his hands on my baby bump smiling. “That’s my favorite picture of us.

 He told me coming behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He placed his chin on top of my head and I continued to look at the picture.

“Well I’m tired babe, I’m going to head to bed.” I turned around and gave Harry a kiss before walking out of the room. Even if I didn’t do much this valentine’s day it was still perfect. I walked into the bedroom and put on my night gown. Sleeping was quite uncomfortable with this whole stomach thing. I crawled under the covers and shut my eyes trying to fall asleep.

“Goodnight love. Happy Valentine’s Day love you.” Harry whispered in my ear before linking his arms around my waist.

“Love you too.” I smiled before falling into a peaceful sleep.

I opened my eyes and there was blood everywhere. What’s happening? I panicked. “Harry! Harry! Please wake up! Harry!” I shook him till he woke up. He looked over at ma and his eyes widened. In one motion he picked me up and brought me outside to the car. “Harry it hurts.” I whimpered as he got in and sped down the road. When we got to the hospital Harry got a nurse and she put me on a stretcher. No one was talking to me, why was everything so quiet? “Harry please talk to me.” I whispered as she dragged me away from him down a long white hallway. She put me in this room and immediately started poking me and sticking me with needled. “Ow stop that!” I whined as the nurse kept sticking things into me. Still no one was talking to me. “Please tell me what’s going on.” I cried but the nurse left the room. I was still bleeding what was happening? I’m scared and alone. No one is talking to me!

“Hello miss. I’m Dr.Tyrick.” A tall man with dark hair said walking into the room.

“Finally, please tell me what’s wrong with me?” I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

“I’m afraid to say you’ve had a miscarriage. I’m so sorry.” All color drained from my face and I froze. My baby was dead? Harry then walked in the room. He looked angry, really angry.

“This is all your fault! You killed my baby!” He shouted at me grabbing my wrist.

“Harry… no I didn’t kill the baby.” I whispered. I was even more scared now.

“Yes you did! I guess now that there is no baby I can leave you. Thank goodness. Goodbye.” He walked toward the door.

“Harry! No wait! Harry please!” I called after him but he just walked out slamming the door behind him. I started crying and shaking.

“Rosie, Rosie wake up are you alright?” I opened my eyes to see Harry. We were still in bed, there was no blood.

“It was just a dream…” I pulled him closer crying into his bare chest.

“Shhh. It was just a dream, I’m here.” He whispered rocking me back and forth. Why was I having so many weird dreams about Harry and I’s baby? I just hope they stay dreams.

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated recently. I've been having bad writers block. I promise I will update more again. It also really helps if you comment and leave suggestions! Thanks fro reading! Xx

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