It happens again?

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*At the airport*

"Niall please don't go." I said hugging him and lightly sobbing into his chest.

"I'm sorry but I have to. I promise I will be back." He said kissing the top of my head.

"I don't want you to." I said squeezing him tighter. I backed my head away and looked around. Rosie was crying and Harry was trying to calm her down. Perrie and Zayn seemed pretty okay. And Danielle and Eleanor looked like it was nothing new. They were still sad and all but none of them were as bad as me.

"Boys let's go!" Paul yelled as they started to collect luggage.

"No Niall please." I said hugging him and gripping my nails into his shirt. This was the first time I had been conscience when he left.

"Sam I have to." He said trying to push me away.

"No, no you don't. What am I supposed to do for the next 5 months without you? Nothing. I don't want you to go! I will be lonely." I said crying into his shoulder. I was just thinking about being in that big apartment alone for five months every night.

"You will be fine. I promise I will call you whenever I can! Now Sam please I have to go!" He said trying to pry me off of him.

"Niall!" I shrieked. I was acting like a little kid on the first day of school not wanting to let go of their mom. I didn't want to let go of Niall, it would be so lonely.

"Come on its okay." Louis said coming up from behind me and taking me out of Niall's arms. It wasn't easy but he did it. He spun me around to where all the other girls were and they all brought me into a hug. I looked up and Niall had started walking away. I tried to squirm out of the hug but I wasn't going anywhere.

"Niall stop!" I screamed after him. He turned around before boarding the plane and his eyes were all red and puffy. "No." I whispered as I watched him walk down the hall onto the plane. I sat down on the ground with my head in my knees.

"It's okay. We are here for you. How about we all have a nice sleepover tonight?" Eleanor said trying to cheer me up. They helped me up and we walked out of the airport back to Danielle's car. We decided to have it at my house and all the girls got their clothes and came over. I had made some snacks and got some movies for us to watch. They all got and we had are cute little pajamas on.

Eleanor was on her laptop around 11 o'clock when we were all getting tired. "Guys Louis is skyping me!" She squealed.

"Hey babe!" We heard him say. I jumped up and saw his face on the screen. "Oh boys come here." He said turning around. I saw Niall in the back ground and flipped.

"Niall!" I screamed excitedly.

"Hey love." He said smiling at the camera.

"I miss you." I said making the puppy dog eyes he couldn't resist.

"Aw babe, I miss you to!" He said giggling at me. We talked to the boys for a while before they had to get rest for their first show.

"That was nice." Rosie said smiling and eating the popcorn.

"Yeah it was. Don't worry guys it gets better, I promise." Danielle said looking mainly at me. For the rest of the night we just sat around laughing until we all crashed around 2 in the morning. When we wake up in the morning all the girls leave to run errands and stuff. I didn't have anything to do so I just cleaned up the mess we made the night before.

"I'm so hungry." I said talking to myself. I decided to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I got everything out but the peanut butter was on the top shelf. I tried to reach for it but I was too short. I couldn't get up on the counter either. "I can't reach!" I said trying to stretch. I gave up. I slumped over on the counter and started crying again. If Niall were here he could get it, but he wasn't. I just sat there for a while wishing that he didn't have to go but it was too late now.

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