1. Secrets

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The Paladins of Voltron were fighting a wave of the Galra after receiving a distress call from a planet that was under attack. Keith fired at the many Galra that were attacking him. However Keith looked at his hand and saw purple fur then he felt cat ears, and he could see better in the dark. Oh no. Suddenly he saw Lance lunge forward next to Keith, Lance gapped seeing a Galra piloting the Red Lion. Out of instinct Keith made a break for it after defeating all the Galra with the other Paladins, Lance sent a message about a Galra in Keith's ship, Keith got out of his Lion and hid in a cave where they couldn't see him. The four searched the Lion but didn't find anything, so they started looking around for the so called "hijacker" and found the cave.

Keith: nononononononono!

Keith then saw his skin turn to a pale pink and his hair turn black his ears go beck to normal along with his teeth and eyes, just as Pidge found him.

Pidge: There you are!

Keith: Ah! Don't scare me like that please!

Pidge: Sorry But, what the hell happened?! How did that Galra get in your Lion?!

Keith: What do you mean? I got blasted and I ran into a cave to recollect myself. Did someone hijack my Lion while I was gone?

Pidge: Hm, actually now that I think about it, Lance was surrounded by Galra, and he only looked into your Lion for a split second so, he easily could have been hallucinating, and just thought he saw a Glara in your seat.

Keith: Yeah, how the heck can a Glara hijack my Lion if I'm piloting it? That literally makes no sense.

Pidge: Yeah, sorry about the mix up... we defeated the Galra so we should head back...

Keith: Okay, I'll head back to my lion.

Keith and the others left, all other Paladins embarrassed and annoyed by the time they wasted and the mistake. Even after Keith forgave all of them simply saying, "mistakes happen, don't beat yourself up about it" Lance ended up seeing Keith in the training room alone in the middle of the night.

Lance: What are you doing?

Keith: I just wanted to think.

Lance: Um, when you said you were fine earlier, did you actually mean it?

Keith: Yeah, kind of. I'm just tired... I want to think a little.

Lance: Think about what?

Keith: Um, I don't know, I don't feel like I'm a fun person at all, like it's really boring to be around me...

Lance: Oh hey, I can help you with that! How about we play truth or dare?

Keith: Truth or Dare?

Lance: Yeah, one person would ask another truth or dare? Then if that person says truth than they would have to tell a truth of the askers choice, if they chose dare then the person who asked would dare that person to do something and the person who got dared would have to do it. Did that make sense?

Keith: I think so, I'll need to play in order to actually get the way this is supposed to work.

Lance: Okay! I'll go first, Keith, truth or dare?

Keith: Uh.... I'll go with truth.

Lance: Okay, I'll start simple... hm... have you, ever- oh wait! Almost forgot!

Keith: Almost forgot what?

Lance pulled up an app on his phone and showed Keith.

Lance: It's a lie detector! You can't lie if you pick truth!

I have a Secret [Klance]Where stories live. Discover now