5. Found

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Three Months Later
Keith was flying on his dragon after giving birth to his little Soren two months ago, who had his black hair, Lance's tan skin, Lance's blue eyes and Keith's nose. Mirach being the good cousin she was, took care of Keith and helped him give birth. As Keith was flying he didn't notice Allura following him and he accidentally gave her the coordinates to their secret base. Allura flew back to the Paladins.

Allura: I found them! I found their secret base!

Coran: Then we can attack!

Lance: Hasn't it been three months since you started looking? How do you know if they are still there?

Allura: I followed a Galra there! If there is one staying at that area then there's a whole group!

Lance wasn't paying attention from them on, ever since Keith went missing he has been very distant from his team and has been horribly depressed. He was gone for weeks while trying to find Keith before giving up and accepting that he'd never see Keith again.

Allura: Paladins! In your lions!

All Paladins got in their lions and flew off leaving Coran in charge of the castle. They flew to the planet following Allura's lead, suddenly she gave an order and the group began to fire at the underground base.
Keith was training with Mirach when they heard gunshots outside, suddenly an alarm sounded.

Alarm- The base is under attack! This is not a drill!

Keith: Soren!

Keith sprinted down the hall as fast as he can and reached Soren's crib and picked him up. Because of the noise and the scary atmosphere Soren began to cry.

Keith: It's okay Soren.... It's okay I'm here... daddy's got you...

Soren calmed down and stopped crying once in his fathers arms. The two month old boy looked up at his father.

Keith: Come on, we need to get out of here...

Keith packed Soren's things in a bag and started running towards the exit only to find Hunk and Shiro blocking the exit. Keith tried to run but Shiro put Keith in a choke hold and took Soren before shooting Keith near his heart. The Paladins left after they covered every spot they could find, the Paladins arrived back at the castle Shiro showing Soren to the others. Soren woke up from hearing the unfamiliar voices. He opened his eyes to find the Paladins looking at him, he stared back in confusion remembering Shiro shooting his dad, the boy looked up, as soon as he recognized Shiro he started to cry.

Pidge: Why is he crying?! You rescued him!

Allura: Hang on...

Allura walked over and took Soren away from Shiro, as soon as he saw her he stopped crying and just stared at Allura in curiosity.

Allura: He kind of looks like you Lance.

Lance walked over, the baby looked at Lance and smiled at him. Lance shivered as he recognized that smile.

Lance: Keith.... c-can I have him?

Allura: Sure.

Allura handed the baby to Lance as who saw the name on his blanket and read it.

Lance: Soren... his name is Soren.

Coran: But what are we supposed to do? We don't know where the Galra stole him so... are we supposed to keep him?

Pidge: Think so, Lance seems attached to him.

Allura: Wonderful! A new member to the team!
Keith woke up a couple days later barely able to walk, he looked around to find many of his fellow Blades of Mamora members lying dead on the floor blood staining a good portion of the halls.

Keith: Soren...

Keith walked as fast as he could to his room only to find it wrecked and with an empty crib, no longer able to stand Keith fell to his knees as small waterfalls fell from his eyes which were getting red and puffy.

Keith: SOREN NO!!!

Keith held a tight grip on the side of his boys crib with a shaky hand. Keith sobbed and screamed for the next hour, mumbling to himself about being a terrible father and apologizing to his son who he didn't know survived or not.

Keith: *sobbing* I-I'm Sorry... I'm so s-Sorry... Soren I'm so sorry.......

Keith then felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned to see Gylfie looking at him.

Gylfie: I'm sorry, Mirach's been shot.

Keith followed Gylfie to Mirach who was shot at the side of her heart.

Magma: She's dying... anyone close to her I'd suggest saying your goodbyes...

Keith walked up to Mirach as tears rolled down his face.

Mirach: Aw Keith.... don't cry yet... I'm still here...

Keith: Please don't leave......

Mirach: I think I... I have too.....

With each sentence Mirach said, it became harder and harder for her to speak to Keith.

Mirach: L-lo-ok.... Y-your h-uman aga-in...

Keith: At this point I don't want to be human...

Mirach: T-trust me-e..... I-I'd-d tr-y no-t to co-unt on th-at.......

Keith: Mirach?

Mirach: G-get yo-ur son ba-ck.... S-say hi to.... my dad.... a-and Thace.....

Keith: Okay......

Mirach: K-Kilieth?......

Keith: Y-yeah?

Mirach: T-tell grand-pa I s-aid sc-rew h-im okay?....

Keith: *giggles slightly* I will...

Mirach closed her eyes, and the medics rushed her to the healing station. Keith started to cry, the people he considered family had just taken his son to hell knows where and killed his second only living relative that he was extremely close with. Most members of the Blades of Mamora said all Keith does is fight, train, eat, sleep. And all activities followed the same pattern, Keith never smiled since that day.

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