7. Retrieval

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Lance and the team had been waiting at Keith's door for the past five days, he had a sink to get water but he never ate. The Paladins were getting seriously worried when Keith's door opened and he just walked out.

Keith: I'm going to get some food....

Keith just walked past the others without even looking at them, he had some food trained didn't even look at the others let alone talk to them.
A Few Days Later:
Keith:....... Where did you send the baby?

Pidge: To my brother? Why are you so interested in it?

Hunk: Bug off Pidge, just be grateful he's talking again!

Keith just finished his food and ignored them and went to training only to be met by Lance as the others were waiting outside hardly able to hear the conversation.

Lance: Hi Keith...

Keith: mm....

There was a few moments of silence before Lance spoke.

Lance: Uh... I just wanted to ask why you were so interested with the child we rescued?

Keith: Why do you care?

Lance: Cause I love you....

Keith: Really? Is that your excuse from now on? Sure say you love me then get me pregnant again and send the baby away that's fi-!!!! *covers his mouth*

Lance: What?

Keith quickly sprinted to his room to hide the tears falling down his face going back to his room locking the door.

Pidge: What did you do this time?

Lance: I don't know...

Keith waited for the others to be asleep before he made his move. He snuck over to the hanger for the Red Lion who let him in.

Keith: Hey Red, can you track Pidge's brother and find where he is?

Red nodded and the two flew off to Matt's ship, luckily for Keith, Matthew was still up and holding Soren, desperately trying to calm the crying child.

Matthew: *tired* Please stop crying baby you need sleep.... I need to sleep- *yawn* Everybody needs to sleep.

The entire group hadn't slept for days because Soren wouldn't stop crying.

Keith: Aw buddy.....

Keith walked over to the two without hesitation tearing up at the sight of his son. Keith had Soren for two months and knew that he only cried for people who were not Keith, Mirach or Lance (showed Soren pictures of Lance and told him that he was his dad) and would keep crying until he saw one of the three people holding him. Matt was trying so hard to calm him down then he saw Keith.

Matthew: Keith? What are you doing here?

Keith: I-it's a long story but... C-can I try to hold him?

Matthew: Why?

Keith: Well I may or may not be Soren's father......?

Matthew: Wait you are?

Keith: Yeah, please don't tell the others I said that or this but just trust me.

Keith shape-shifted into his Galra form as Matthew stared in disbelief. Keith cautiously walked over to Soren and carefully picked him up.

Keith: Hey buddy... calm down daddy's got you...

Soren opened his eyes recognizing his fathers voice and immediately stopped crying when he saw his dad's face.

Keith: *crying* Yep.... that's my boy...

Matthew: So you actually are his father?

Keith: Yeah....

Keith hugged his little boy not wanting to let go.

Keith: *crying* I m-missed you s-so much buddy...

Soren: D-a!

Matthew: Well if he is yours then you can have him, you don't need my permission.

Keith: *crying* T-thank you...

Matthew: No problem, and I won't tell anyone about the Galra thing if you don't want me to.

Keith: Thanks Matt. Why are you so nice to me when you know I'm Galra? And...

Keith showed something to Matt that didn't seem to phase him.

Matthew: We deal with hybrids all the time, not exactly ones like these but we treat them the same, besides you're Keith! You're the same person who fights to protect the universe! You came all this way cause you weren't willing to lose you're child. That's my proof of your innocence.

Keith: Thank you...

Matthew: Now I'd head back before the Paladins realize you're gone!

Keith: Oh shoot! Thanks Matt!

Matthew: No problem!

Keith ran over to Red who lowered her head to see the bundle Keith was holding.

Keith: Hey Red... this is Soren, he's my son...

Red gestured to Keith as if she was smiling at him and gladly let the two in. Keith flew home only to hear everyone screaming that the Red Lion was missing. He ran back to his room and quietly shut the door as he sat on the bed Soren in his arms.

Keith: I love you buddy...

Keith could tell Soren was hungry so he pulled his shirt down and began breastfeeding him. Keith already knew how to do it from his first two months with Soren but he wasn't used to it because of how long he was without Soren. Once he made sure Soren was full he pulled his shirt back up and laid back letting the small infant to sleep on his chest, he turned human again cause Soren likes it when he's in his Galra form and Keith wasn't planning on telling the rest of the team. Suddenly he felt his eyes go heavy as he drifted off to sleep. When he woke up and hid Soren so the Paladins wouldn't find him his things were already with the Blades of Marmora he just had to grab Soren and an escape pod.

Keith: Alright come on buddy... Let's go home...

Soren: D-aa!

Keith: Yeah I love you too!~

Keith heard a knock on his door and quickly hid Soren in his crib and walked out.

Coran: You guys have a mission right now... sorry we couldn't say on intercom but it's broken so...

Keith: That's fine.

The Paladins got in their lions and flew to a Blades of Marmora group attacking a Galra ship. Keith and the others landed and began to explore the ship before Keith was given an order and walked into the room where said order was to be carried out.

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