11. I'm Ready (not)

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Lance held a sleeping Keith in his arms, he'd managed to sneak him past the others along with Soren, he was still trying to comprehend the realization of being a father. Plus the fact that Keith was infected with a virus, no thanks to Allura and Coran on that old mission, he had to find a cure or he'd loose Keith again. But for now they needed to relax, he felt Keith's noticeably quick heartbeat, most likely his body trying to fight the pestilence, though his breathing was steady, it would shake at times but it mostly remained slow and calm. He suddenly felt Keith begin to stir, Lance was willing to wait for Keith to show him his Galra form. Though he was very eager to see it, Keith opened his eyes and looked up at him.

Keith: I'm ready...

Keith sat up, letting out small yelps of pain before Lance looked at him seeing fluffy cat ears, glowing yellow eyes, he was covered with purple fur an had now had sharp teeth and claws. Lance sat up and hugged him.

Lance: Thanks for letting me see you.

Keith hugged back but suddenly started coughing. Keith went back to human but continued to cough, Lance quickly picked him up and ran to Pidge's lab and set him down on a bed before waking Pidge up.

Lance: Pidge! I have Keith here I need your help!

Pidge arrived almost two seconds after he called her with Coran behind her, the two quickly ran over to Keith who was still coughing. Keith put a hand over his mouth as he finally stopped coughing, he pulled his hand away only for everyone to see his palm covered in blood.

Pidge: Hang on, let me see...

Pidge looked in his eyes and examined him carefully before dropping laptop.

Pidge: Um, Keith...? Hang on...

Pidge ran over to her lab pulling out some kind of liquid and pouring it into a syringe, she walked over and found the main infection spot and quickly injected nearly jabbed the needle into Keith's neck injecting the liquid into Keith who squirmed in pain.

Pidge: Keith settle, this is supposed to help you.

Once all the liquid was in Keith's body, Pidge removed the needle and walked back over to her lab where she took out other liquids.

Lance: What was that?

Pidge: It's a temporary cure. It's supposed to slow the virus down, just enough for me to find a more potent cure for him.

Pidge took out some beakers and pipets and poured in a liquid into the first beaker.

Pidge: Hey Coran, can you come over here?

Coran looked at Keith before walking over to Pidge.

Coran: Yes?

Pidge: Did the Alteans ever make a cure for the virus?

Coran: Well, Yes they did, but it's a very small amount, I don't remember the formula to make it, and the amount we have in the castle won't be enough to help Keith...

Pidge: Hmm, can you get it anyway?

Coran: Oh yes.

Coran ran out of the room leaving Pidge to keep pouring, stirring and mixing liquids together.

Lance: What are you doing?

Pidge: I don't know the formula to make the original cure. But I do know how to make that small amount more potent, just enough to help Keith.

Pidge continued to mix the liquids, she picked up a small sample of sodium chloride and dropped it into the main beaker.

Lance: Did you just put salt in there...?

Pidge: The salt is going to help the cure stay potent, though it's going to sting... Now, just add a little cadmium... there we go.

The salt dissolved and the Cadmium released the surface molecules which changed the color of the liquid, once it was done Pidge poured the liquid in the beaker into another beaker and stirred the chemicals together. She then used a blowtorch to heat the liquid up and measured the temperature before stirring again changing the color a fifth time before she set it down and placed the third beaker.

Lance: So what now?

Pidge: Now, we wait for Coran.

Coran then raced into the room holding a half full vile and handed it to Pidge who poured the entire vile into the third beaker followed by the first liquid being poured in and stirred turning it into a more brown/grey/blue/red mixture. Pidge then pulled out a new syringe and collected the new liquid which the group was hoping was the cure. Pidge walked over to Keith ready to inject him with the cure.

Pidge: I need you to go Galra Keith okay?

Keith nodded and winced in pain as he went Galra, the temporary cure wearing off the second he became Galra as Keith began to tremble in pain from the virus now spreading at a more rapid rate.

Pidge: You ready?

Keith: Ready as I'll ever be...

Pidge then carefully inserted the needle into Keith's neck and began injecting the liquid into Keith who winced in pain.

Pidge: It'll only be a second Keith just hold on.

Pidge was almost done when they suddenly heard the doors open.

Allura: What is going on here?

The group turned and saw Shiro, Hunk and Allura looking at the four. Pidge then finished the injection as fast as possible and pulled the needle out, she carefully looked at his neck which immediately showed the veins disappearing at an almost impossible rate. Lance looked over to Keith who was now sleeping due to the side effects of the cure, he leaned over to Keith and crouched down beside him before planting a kiss on the Paladins cheek. Apparently they forgot the three were still watching, Allura recognized the fluid in the beaker and looked at the three, then at Keith who was still Galra.

Allura: Coran Why is that here?

Coran: Um, princess this Galra was infected with the Purple Plague, and...-

Pidge: Coran these guys deserve answers whether Keith's ready to tell them or not.

Lance began to walk out of the room and he was gone for a few minutes before arriving back with a three year old in his arms.

Lance: Don't wake him up but, who does he look like?

Shiro: He seems to have your skin color... your eyes from what I can tell... and I recognized that nose and that, hair color...? No...

Pidge: Keith's back everyone.

Allura and the three stared in shock, Shiro and Hunk caught on sort of but all three were wondering where this was going. Pidge sighed and let the group see Keith go from Galra to human.

Allura: What...?

Hunk: No way...

Shiro: So the kid, those necklaces, and that Galra we kept encountering, oh Keith. You said he was sick...?

Pidge: Yes, I just finished injecting the cure into him when you guys got in here.

Allura: *sigh* We'll talk more about this tomorrow, Keith needs rest, in fact we all need rest.

The group left for bed, Keith was safe on his bed even if he was left alone but Lance wanted to stay with him for the night. He sat down in a chair and slept with his son him his arms next to Keith.

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