9. Disease

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Two days later
The Paladins arrived back at the castle. The second they were back Pidge walked up to Coran and Allura.

Pidge: Guys, I know this might sound weird but... can you not activate the virus?

Allura: Why not? It'll keep Galra from hijacking the castle.

Pidge: I-I just don't think that it's ideal... we could use other methods to keep them out...?

Coran: Hm... it does seem a little extreme for simple security... we'll shut the virus off, though it'll take a few days for it to completely leave the castle.

Pidge: W-Wait, you already released it?!

Hunk: Two hours ago while we were out, by the way where's Keith?

Pidge: I-I don't know... maybe he went looking for the Blades of Marmora *Damn it Pidge!*...

Shiro: Pidge? Is there something you aren't telling us?

Pidge: No... why would you ask?

Shiro: You look worried about something.

Pidge: I'm fine...
Pidge went to her lab where she saw someone calling her. So she answered.

Pidge: Keith?

~Keith: Hi Pidge, Look can you ask Allura or Coran if they ever made an antidote to that virus? I think one of the Blades members is sick...

Pidge: I will. When are you going to tell them?

Coran heard the talking and listened in.

~Keith: I don't know, but if the situation with the Blades gets too serious there'll be no other option.

Pidge: Think about it okay? By the way, if your real name is Kilieth... what's your full name?

~Keith: Kilieth Echo Zarkson-Kogane...

Pidge: Zarkson?

~Keith: If you are a descendant of Zarkon, your last name has to be Zarkonson, but my mom didn't really want people to recognize me as his grandson while at the same time follow tradition so she shortened it to Zarkson and mixed it with my fathers last name Kogane.

Pidge: Oh... I'll ask Allura and Coran about the cure for your friend, you all got the immune serum right.

~Keith: Yeah. Soren was the first to get it.

Pidge: By the way how is Soren? What's his full name?

~Keith: He's great, he's about... I'd say two months old? Two months and seven days?

Pidge: He's seriously that young?!

~Keith: Yeah, crazy. And his full name is "Soren Charlie McClain".

Pidge: McClain?

~Keith: Wanted to name him after his father...

Pidge: Oh... so Lance DID knock you up?

~Keith: Yeah... don't tell everyone yet okay?

Pidge: Okay.

~Keith: Call me back when you ask please.

Pidge: I will.

~Keith: Later Pidge.

Pidge: Bye Kilieth~.

Keith jokingly glared at Pidge before hanging up. Pidge walked out of the door and screeched when she saw Coran.

Pidge: How long have you been listening?!

Coran: Long enough. How long have you known about this...?

Pidge: A couple days...?

Coran looked at Pidge.

Coran: What was all that about Keith being Galra...?

Pidge: Please don't tell the others but, he might be... Zarkon and Haggar's grandson and Lotor's nephew...?

The Coran expresses a look of shock.

Coran: It's fine, I won't tell.

Pidge: Seriously?

Coran: Keith's a good person, plus, who his parents are or were won't effect who he becomes very much will it?

Pidge: No... no it won't.

Coran: So, we didn't save that child?

Pidge: Nope, in fact that Galra who was carrying the child and Shiro shot was actually Keith.

Coran: Well that explains a lot...

Pidge: Yep. Can you not tell everyone?

Coran: I won't, promise.

Pidge: Thanks Coran.

Allura: What are you guys talking about?

Coran/Pidge: ACK!

Pidge: Hi...!

Allura looked back and forth between the two getting more suspicious by the second.

Allura: What's going on with you?

Coran: Nothing your highness...!

Allura gave both a suspicious glance.

Allura: Uhu.... Sure....

Allura walked away, allowing both to let out a "phew".

Pidge: That was way too close...
A Couple Days Later
The Paladins were sent on a mission, they landed their lions and snuck on the Galra ship. They heard the Galra scrambling to grab their weapons stammering about the "Blades of Marmora" again. The group decided to look around the base and see if they could find them. They looked around before realizing that Pidge was gone. The group scrambled around to find her but then saw Pidge locked up, they stopped and hid when they saw a short-ish Galra walk into the chamber she was in, he pressed a button and released her though she was unconscious. The Galra paced up to her and crouched down trying to shake her up.

Keith: Pidge! Pidge! Pidge get up!

Pidge woke up and to the groups surprise, held no reaction to seeing the Galra.

Pidge: Kilieth? What happened?

Keith: Zarkon's guards got you, we have to get you back to your team!

Pidge: Where are they?!

The Galra helped Pidge up as both began to run out of the room.

Keith: They should be somewhere around- ACK?!?!

The Galra was cut off from being shot in his side and gashing his right upper arm by Lance. The Galra scrambled up and ran away as fast as he could.

Shiro: Who was that?

Pidge: I don't know, why did you guys shoot him?

Hunk: Wait a second... that's the Galra we ran into that we shot down AND the Galra you shot twelve days ago!

Shiro: Pidge, what's going on?

Pidge: Don't get distracted from the mission guys!

The group continued on with the mission. When they got back they practically interrogated Pidge about the Galra pondering how similar Kilieth sounds to Keith. Pidge always answered the questions and threw them off not telling them a single thing about who he was or where he came from.

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