6. Return

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Allura: Pidge we can't keep a baby here... if his parents are out there we need to find them.

Pidge: But Lance- and you just said-

Allura: I'm sorry, I know what I said earlier but... unless if at least one of our Paladins has a genetic connection to the boy then he has to go!

Shiro: Pidge, his parents are probably worried sick!

Allura: Paladins in your lions!

The group flew off and landed on the planet that was most recently attacked by Galra. They went around the entire planet asking about a baby named Soren. All people said no but if needed would be happy to adopt him. The group went from planet to planet but nothing, so they decided to give him up for adoption to Pidge's brother who gladly accepted.

Hunk: Did we have to give him away?

Allura: I'm afraid so, we couldn't find his parents so we left them in good hands... it's what my mother (fucking Allura!) would have done....

Lance was sad the rest of the way back, but he got over it eventually. Lance and the other Paladins decided to go back to the base they ambushed, by the time they got there the only living person was Keith, he managed to turn human again without being aware of it. Lance walked down the stairs and found Keith sitting down near a corpse holding a necklace.

Lance: Keith!

Keith stood up to look at Lance as Lance hugged Keith tightly anger boiling in Keith's stomach.

Lance: Guys! Guys! I found Keith!

The other Paladins arrived and grabbed Keith before he could yell. The group was at the castle again, the others flooded Keith with questions but he just pretended they weren't there and walked to his room locking himself in.

Allura: Keith?
The group tried to talk to Keith as he left his room, but all he had been doing since he came on the ship was pretend they didn't exist and never smiled ever. When dinner rolled around it was the same scenario.

Hunk: Hey Keith!

Keith finally payed attention to someone and immediately everyone took notice of Keith's red eyes, he looked like he'd been crying for hours. And for the first time since he came back he talked.

Keith: What?

Lance: Are you okay?

Keith: I'm fine....

The group then saw what was wrong with him, it was written all over his face, grief.

Allura: Oh Keith....

Keith: What?

Shiro: You lost someone... who was it?

Keith:... my cousin... I'd rather not talk about it...

Keith had finished his dinner and got up to put his dish away.

Pidge: Can you at least tell us what their name was?

Keith paused before speaking.

Keith:... Mirach....

Keith put away his dish and went right back to his room. Lance finished soon after and followed Keith to his room. He looked at Keith who was holding the same necklace, it was of a Siberian Tiger with gemstones for eyes.

Lance: Where did you get that necklace?

Keith looked up at him, and held up the necklace.

Keith: This belonged to my cousin, she- found it near a Galran base.

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