12. Talk (Final Chapter)

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(A/N- I am a terrible comedian... sorry for my consistently dissatisfactory sense of dreadful buffoonery)
Lance woke up next to Keith who was still sleeping, the mark on his neck had fully dissapeared, he grinned. Calmly stroking Keith's hair, he felt him begin to stir as he sat up and looked at Lance.

Keith: What happened...?

Lance: You're cured for one, second, Allura, Shiro and Hunk found out by the time you passed out.

Keith: Oh great...

Lance: What's wrong with your voice?

Pidge walked in with her laptop as usual and saw Keith awake.

Pidge: He should be good to walk around, just be careful.

Keith: Why is my voice so scratchy...?

Pidge: That's most likely one of the side effects of the cure it means it worked so that's good, come on, everyone's waiting for you.

Pidge and Lance helped Keith out of bed as he stumbled a bit, but started walking as the two walked with him into the kitchen where everyone was having breakfast.

Hunk: Hey Keith.

Keith: Hi...

Keith sat down not enjoying that his voice was very raspy and a bit sore to talk, due to a scratchy throat. Pidge handed Keith a cup of warm water to help his throat, as he was drinking he looked over at everyone who was staring at him so it was becoming obvious that he was uncomfortable.

Pidge: How are you feeling?

Keith: Uh... better... better...

Keith looked over to Allura, Shiro and Hunk who were still looking at him.

Keith: I-I'm guessing you have questions...?

Allura: How long have you known about you, being Galra? And how long did you know you were sick?

Keith: I think I've been sick for... almost a week and, I've known I was Galra since I joined Voltron...

Hunk: What about Soren?

Keith: Gave birth to him three years ago, cause the night before I left Lance and I... um, he got me pregnant and with my Galra side... I guess I couldn't handle telling you guys, still not sure if I'm handling it...

Everyone expressed a look of shock at how long he had kept that a secret.

Shiro: Keith it's been three years. Why did you hide it from us for so long?

Keith: I don't remember... I think I was overwhelmed and after the second year I'd figured that we'd be better off if we stayed separated... Oh. And uh... there's something else you probably should know... I uh... I'm uh... *deep breath*I'mZarkonandHaggar'sbiologicalgrandsonandLotor'snephew!

Keith spoke so fast that nobody understood what he said so, he reached under his shirt and pulled out a platinum necklace around his neck holding it out for everyone to see. Allura, Coran, Shiro, Hunk and Lance's faces went blank.

Allura: What is-... how did you...?

Keith suddenly stood up and started walking away.

Keith: I-I need to get Soren...

Keith walked out of the room, Lance following him. Eventually Keith reached his old room Lance close behind.

Lance: You're not leaving again are you?

Keith jumped.

Keith:Lance why are you following me?

Lance: Because I don't want you to leave.

Keith: Why not?

Lance grabbed Keith and pulled him into a hug, Keith tried to break away but it was no use.

Lance: Because every day you were gone I was in constant agony.

Keith tried once more to break away but Lance only tightened his grip.

Keith: I don't belong here Lance, leave me alone.

Lance: No.

Keith: Lance-!

Lance: I can't lose you again Keith!

Keith: Lance?

Lance: I just learned that my now three year old son exists and that the love of my life is still alive!

Keith: La-

Lance smashed his lips onto Keith's, do to how much he still loved Lance he kissed back both moving their lips. A few minutes passed before they broke away leaving a string connected to their lips both panting.

Lance: I missed this...

Keith: Lance...

Lance kissed Keith again both Paladins swirled their tongues together, Keith moaned into the kiss as Lance pinned him to the bed. The two had started removing their cloths when they heard the team screaming. They turned their heads to see the team screaming at them.

Hunk: *covering his eyes* MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!! WHY?!?!?!

Shiro: Do you guys know how to lock a door?!

Allura: *taking pictures* He he he~!

Coran: Ah!!!

Pidge: Geez Keith you wanna try that again?!

Lance ran up and slammed the door shut locking it behind him. He then jumped on Keith and both took their cloths off before Lance paused.

Lance: Um...

Keith: What?

Lance quickly put on a condum.

Keith Oh, wait... if we're gonna do this again, I want to see your Altean form.

Lance: Then let me see your Galran form.

Keith nodded as purple fire grew from his body, his raven hair turned dark purple, his eyes a bright yellow, and fluffy purple cat ears sprouted from his head.

Keith: Your turn.

Lance's brown hair faded into a white and glowing cyan tattoos formed on his body and his ears became pointed and his eyes became REALLY blue.

Keith: Oh you're so hot...

Lance: You don't look too bad yourself~

Keith: Oh my god Lance just make love to me already...!

Lance smirked and quickly pushed in.

Keith: Agh!

Lance: Sorry.

The two waited for a few moments before Keith moaned telling Lance to start moving.

Keith: Mm, ah Lance~

Lance: Hm?~

Keith: Uuh....harder~

Lance started to pound Keith doing wonders for both of them, Lance started to nip at Keith's neck making him purr.

Keith: A-hah-AH!!!~ OhmygoshthatfeelssoGOOD!!!~

Lance: Ah~! Keith I'm!

Lance let out a pleasured shriek as he came into the condum, he pulled out of Keith taking the condum off.

Lance: That wasn't *pant* too bad *pant* was it *pant*?

Keith: *pant* N-no *pant* I don't think it gets any better than that...

Lance collapsed next to Keith and pulled him against his body.

Lance: Please, stay with me would ya...?

Keith: Okay...

Keith cuddled up to Lance as the two dozed off in each other's arms.

Lance: I love you.

Keith: I love you too.

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