3. Searching

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Keith landed his escape pod at the Blades of Mamora hideout, unknown to the Paladins of Voltron because it was an underground base with tons of locks and security that even Pidge would struggle to get in. Keith looked at his stomach, he was wearing his armor so he obviously wouldn't see a bump for a while. But he still gently slid his hand across his stomach rubbing it slightly and smiling to himself.

Keith: I don't know if you can hear me yet baby but, I love you...

Keith saw the secret door open as his cousin Mirach (pronounced like mirage, Incredibles?) emerged and ran up to him.

Mirach: Hi Keith, glad you were able to join, but why such short notice?

Keith: I'm part Galra and with a baby if I stay in the castle too long the group will find out, you're okay if I'm a member right?

Mirach: Of course! Come on I'll help you with your things.

Mirach was older than Keith by a year and knew each other quite well ever since Keith alone passed the Blade Trials and unlocked the secrets of his Blade. Mirach helped Keith bring his stuff inside and showed him his room.

Keith: Thank you Mirach.

Mirach: No problem... Just, if you need me I'm right across the hall...

Keith: Thank you...

Keith was excited to be fighting with his favorite cousin, also his only cousin. But he was sad that he had to leave people he still considered family, not to mention Keith still loved Lance. With being pregnant by Lance only made t worse. Keith wanted to repack all his stuff fly back to the ship and run into his arms and... tell him... everything..... no he couldn't. That would be too risky, how would he react? How would the others react?

Keith: Hey baby, I'm sorry you won't hear from your father for a while... you might see him... in a few years... and I think... you'll love him...
Lance and the others knocked on Keith's door, they thought he was still on the ship and were worried about him. But while everyone else was gone, Hunk realized that Keith's door was open. He went inside and saw some purple fur on the ground, then a couple claw marks.

Hunk: Galra... guys! You might want to see this!

Hunk ran down the halls looking for everyone he told Pidge, Lance, Shiro, Allura and Coran that Keith was stolen by the Galra, none believed him seeing as what happened last time someone screamed about Galra attacking Keith. Hunk led the group to Keith's bedroom and the group realized he was right.

Hunk: See?!

Pidge: We have to go find him! I'll go track a the nearest Galra ship!

Allura: Lance! Since Keith's gone I'll need you to pilot red and I'll pilot blue! Everyone in your Lions!

The group tracked a Galra ship on the nearest planet to the Castle and flew their lions to the ship. The Galra weren't expecting the Paladins so quickly so they were surprised when the ship was rocked from side to side with the Paladins Lions. The Galra scrambled to grab their weapons but the Paladins were just confused by that.

Pidge: Those guys don't really do a good job of guarding their prisoner!

Lance went inside with Pidge looking for Keith. They found a Galra and pinned him to the wall. The Galra suddenly began screaming as the Blades of Mamora began to get involved.

Galra: Blades of Mamora! Retreat!!!

Hunk: Blades of Mamora?

Galra: No! Return fire! Watch out for the ones in the air!

Meanwhile Pidge and Lance had the pinned Galra answer a few questions for them.

Lance: Where is Keith?!

Billy Bob Joe the Third: I said I don't know!

Pidge: Don't play dumb! What did you do with him?!

Billy Bob Joe the Third: For your information we are in the process of looking for him.

Pidge: So He escaped?

Billy Bob Joe the Third: If he's already on the ship that would be our lucky day!

Pidge: Wait you didn't capture him?!

Billy Bob Joe the Third: Ha! What a laugh, if we managed to break onto the ship you wouldn't even have your lions!-

Suddenly a gun shot was heard as two dragon like creatures with Galra riding on them shot the Galra they were interrogating, Allura and the group didn't hesitate to shoot them down both fell from the sky but they paused for a moment as they heard one of the Galra scream as he fell. Both dragons with the Galra fell down into an extended forest on different sides. Eventually after finishing their fight they gave up accepting that Keith wasn't stolen. But where did he go? He couldn't have just disappeared like that. Did he run away? Why? Then the group spotted the Blades of Mamora, blindly assuming that they were bad they began to fire at them leaving the panicked Blades of Mamora members fleeing for safety.

Allura: They're getting away! After them!

The group tried to follow them but lost them once they reached their base.

Pidge: Damn! Where did they go?!

Allura: Keep looking! We can't let them out of our grasps!

Shiro: Allura! How long are we going to look before you realize we won't find them?!

Allura: They are Galra Shiro! We can't let them get away!

Shiro: We'll probably see them again so don't stress about it.

Hunk: But, who the heck were those "Blades of Mamora"? The Galra said to return fire and to watch for the ones in the air but I couldn't see anyone...

Pidge: Maybe their very anonymous, to the point where someone can't even see them...

Shiro: But how did the Galra see them if that's the case?

The group looked for hours and hours before eventually giving up as Blue has to take control and drag Allura back to the castle. Then later the group pondered how they "never saw the Blades of Mamora". And as they went on with trying to find Keith, Lance walked over to Keith's room, looking around for some kind of clue.

Lance: Why did he leave?

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