4. Lost

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Pidge: Okay, let's check this planet and see if we can find him.

The group landed on the planet with the escape pod but found nothing on the planet, they searched but then decided to look at the planet from the previous day, they landed and began looking around.

Lance: Keith... where are you?

The group ran around in two groups with their Lions in case of any self defense was needed. Lance was with Allura and Shiro, Pidge was with Hunk. The group wandered around and started looking in a forest, Allura and Shiro were talking while Lance found one of the Galra he shot down. He checked Mirach's vitals and her heart was still beating and she was breathing. Pidge and Hunk found the other Galra they shot down trying to get back on his dragon holding his stomach slightly. Pidge and Hunk called out to him, he turned to them and panicked losing his balance and falling over, backing up to his dragon holding his stomach tightly, the two hesitated to kill him at the fear in his eyes.

Pidge: Hey it's alright we won't hurt you, we just need to ask a few questions.

Keith: O-okay.....

Pidge: Look we're uh, we're looking for someone, a friend. Have you seen him? Neck length black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, red, black and white armor?

Keith: N-not that I can think of....

Pidge: You sure? His names Keith, Keith Kogane?

Keith: No sorry. Just don't hurt me.....

The Paladins could now see the Galra, crying?! The Galra was clutching his stomach protectively.

Pidge: It's okay we won't hurt you.
Lance: *shaking the Galra to see if she was alive* Uh, hello? You alive?

Mirach: Ugh...... *sees Lance* A-

Lance covered her mouth before she could yell.

Lance: I wouldn't yell if I were you.

Mirach: *shoves Lance's hand off her mouth* Let go!

Lance: Will you calm down?

Mirach: Will you let me go so I can find my pregnant cousin?

Lance: What?

Mirach: Will you please tell me if he was shot down or not?

Lance: Wait, that Galra on the dragon thing was pregnant?

Mirach: Yes He was! Please don't tell me you shot him?!

Lance: Sorry uh...?


Lance: Right, Sorry Mirach, I don't know which one of us shot him but whoever did, did.

Mirach: Quiznak I have to find him!

Mirach quickly ran onto her dragon and flew off finally catching Allura and Shiro's attention.

Allura: Lance why didn't you get her?! She's getting away!

Lance: Sorry...
Pidge: Wait a second...

Pidge was about to pull off Keith's mask before he scrambled on his dragon and flew off.

Pidge: Hey! Come back!

But it was no use. Keith had already flown off.

Hunk: What was that all about?

Pidge: I don't know Hunk... do you think that Galra might be...? No it can't... there's no way.
Keith flew back to the base only to be ambushed/hugged by his cousin.

Mirach: Oh thank the universe you're alive! What about the baby?

Keith: Both fine. "Maybe..."

Mirach: Good, no more missions until you give birth!

Keith: What?!

Mirach: Last time you went on a mission they nearly killed your baby! Do you seriously want something worse to happen?

Keith: No...

Mirach: Good, I'll take care of you until the child's born so I won't be going on missions either.

Keith: Okay...

Keith looked around and saw a smaller number of members in the room behind Mirach.

Keith: Wait.... What happened? Where is everyone?

Mirach: I was told by Magma that... The Paladins saw us and killed thirty five of our members.

Keith: Including us on the mission fifty Galra were sent so that means...

Mirach: Only fifteen survived, ten out of those fifteen were badly injured, so no more missions got it?

Keith: Got it...

Keith walked back to his room lying down on his bed his hand on his stomach.

Keith: Baby? Are you still there?

Keith hugged his stomach as he began crying at the thought he'd lost his baby to the people he considered family.
Lance: Where should we look first?

Pidge: Probably around the whole planet where he landed his escape pod.

Allura: Alright lions! Let's go!

The first month of searching was absolutely no luck, they needed to find Keith quickly and Lance was getting scared for what might have happened to Keith.

Lance: Keith?

The second month was the same, so at this point Keith would be five months along with his pregnancy if not six. Lance was starting to panic a little, Keith could die if they didn't find him soon enough.

Pidge: Any sign of him?

Hunk: Negative.

Pidge: Where the quiznak is he?

Allura: Language.

Then the third month rolled around and same deal but the group was debating on whether to give up and go back to the castle.

Pidge: Guys, I don't think that's a good idea.

Hunk: there is no way we can find him Pidge. We already looked everywhere and no sign of him.

Allura: He's right Pidge. I want to keep looking to but at this point it's a lost cause...

Then the fourth month and the group decided to go back to the castle, Lance however wasn't listening and kept looking for Keith. Unfortunately Allura was able to drag Lance back to the castle. Everything was quiet, Lance refused to talk or acknowledge his fellow Paladins, so he walked over to his lions hanger and climbed in.

Lance: I have to find Keith.

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