2. Running away

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Keith woke up the next morning with a sore body. He then realized he was naked and looked over to see a sleeping Lance.

Keith: Oh shit...

Keith got all of his cloths and scrambled back to his room before anyone was awake. He grabbed all of his things and cleaned up as he remembered what happened, "that felt really good..." Keith thought. Remembering him letting out loud moans feeling Lance kiss his neck and move inside him. It was a pretty crazy night, what was that thing about Galra? He couldn't remember so he got ready and Lance knocked on his door, Keith opened it and smiled.

Lance: The video remember? I just recharged the camera and it saved the video, we need to get the video on a disc!

Keith: Oh shoot, I forgot!

Keith and Lance ran down the hall with the camera, everyone else was still asleep and wouldn't need to wake up for the next hour and a half so they plugged in the camera to Keith's laptop and got an empty disk and loaded the video onto the computer.

Keith: Maybe we should watch the video in case if there's anything the others wouldn't want to see.

Lance: Good idea.

The two watched the video and when the dares came on the two laughed so hard and when the crushes came on they blushed and smiled to each other suddenly remembering the passionate experience they shared. The video ended.

Keith: Should we add or delete anything?

Lance: Well, I don't know... should the group know we like each other?

Keith: Wait... now that I think about it we could do a second game the first game from last night would be both truths and dares we could save it for the end as a demonstration, the second we record could be specifically how the truth option works and we could show a video of us only using the truth option and along the way we can say the rules and how it works.

Lance: Yeah! The third game could be about using the dare option, and record us only doing dares and explaining how it works! Then we'd record an intro! Then put it together, organize it and put it on the disc!

Keith: Nice!

The two start recording the videos and by the time they finish everyone is either having breakfast or training, well someone had to be training because. From the training room the two heard...

Training Robot: EXTERMINATE

The two burst out laughing as they heard Coran and the others start yelling in panic that the robot was becoming corrupted. The two were recording the outro when the robot sounded like a Dalek and everyone in the training room was going nuts.

Keith: The dares everyone! Okay! That's how you play truth or dare.

The two finished recording and downloaded the video onto the disc then played the disc to see how it worked and put the disc in a box, labeling the box "Truth or Dare?" The two went out Lance kissing Keith on the side of his cheek.

Lance: I love you.

Keith: I love you too.

Later the group left the training room to grab their repair supplies when Keith snuck in and got his phone. Lance and Keith heard Pidge say...

Pidge: Why the heck is a camera here?

Lance and Keith laughed and heard the group coming scrambling out of the room and hid behind a wall as they heard the group try to "fix" the training robot before it whacked Pidge in the face.

Hunk: It looks fine now, you okay Pidge?

Pidge: *dizzy* Y-yeah I'm fine... just a little dizzy...

The next couple months were strange, Keith was getting sick and was having trouble sleeping. Lance noticed more that Keith was acting a little moody and when he was having these moody moments he'd accidentally say a minor secret without meaning to. So Keith was trying more than ever now to keep his identity a secret, if he were to slip up in his "mood swings" as he called them, everyone would know about his Galra side as well as the fact that Lance was part Altean. If everyone knew who or what he was, Lance would no longer love him, he was part Galra and Lance was part Altean for crying out loud! More importantly, Keith was trying to figure out exactly what was wrong with him and what was causing these mood swings. Then a thought hit his head like the bullet train.

Keith: Am I sick?

Keith wanting to know cut his arm and got in the pod. He got out and saw two heartbeats, the second heartbeat was faintly there but present, Keith sprinted into his room and began crying at the bathroom sink.

Keith: N-no.... a pregnant Galra who is supposed to be fighting against Galra and be the Red Paladin?! I can't do this... I can't do this! I can't tell them! They can't find out!!

Hunk: *bang bang* Keith? Breakfast.

Keith: B-be right there...

Keith was quiet at breakfast and blushed when he saw Lance staring at him smiling. But his smile dropped when he noticed that Keith looked like he'd been crying a while ago.

Lance: Hey Keith, are you okay?

Hunk: Yeah Keith, you look pale.

Keith: I'm fine, just didn't sleep well...

Shiro: Okay, but if there's something wrong will you please tell us?

Keith: Alright, I will...

That night Keith couldn't sleep, ever since he knew he was Galra he'd wanted to leave Voltron but he stayed because of his love for Lance and all his friends, but half Galra and pregnant? Nobody could find out... he packed everything he needed and used and escape pod to go to a planet far away bringing his armor with him. He left a note.

Lance, guys don't look for me. I can't stay here, I can't tell you why but just leave me alone.

Unfortunately it would take quite a while for the others to find out Keith was gone and to actually find him.

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