U have a what? (Jeongyeon X Reader)

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(Smut and gxg)

Jeongyeons POV

Finally, JYP gives us a break for new years. We just finished our Japan concert for HEARTSHAKER and came back to Korea. Momo, Sana, and Mina stayed at Japan to visit their family and Tzuyu went to Taiwan.

Nayeon, Jihyo, Dahyun and Chaeyoung all went home so I have no one to hang around with.. My family is busy and they want me over tomorrow.

I had a tough day so decided to call Y/N to have some Soju.
(This is you this is jeongyeon)

Y/n-ah I want some soju today wanna come?

Hmmm... I was about to go and looking for a Sony partner, so why not?

YAY!! Come to my place, ill order some chicken, okay?

Sure see u soon.

Your POV

...I'm feeling a bit down today, why dont I go have a drink?
*Ring ring*
Hey jeongyeon called, why dont I go drink with her?

(Moments later)

I headed to Jeongyeons place and ring her door bell. She opens the door and hug me instantly,

"Y/n-ah I missed u~~~ the last time I saw u was 5 months ago~~~" she says hugging me tighter ever second.

"I...missed u too...but ur hugging me a bit too tight..." U reply.

"Oh sorry" she releasing the hug and says "the chickens coming soon, come I have some beer for us to start on^^" 

I start heading to the living room, and we open the beer cans and start drinking.

"So, how are u theae days?" Jeongyeon asks

"U know just this and that all same. Nothing much happened. How about u?"

"Argh man we were so busy with our back-to-back comeback. Having to perform almost every day. Oh hows u and ur boyfriend?"

".....I broke up...."

Jeongyeons POV

Yes. Finally. Y/n is single. I had a huge crush on her eversince we met.

"Aw.. Sorry y

-ah. Then cheers to a long lasting next bf!!!"


And we chug one can down and right when we open the next can, the door rings.

"That most be the chicken ill grab it", says y/n and runs to the door and u grab the soju from the refrigerator

"What this?" Y/n asks as she brings the chicken

"Chicken is a most with 치맥(chimek)" I told her as I poor in the soju and beer in a cup and mix it.

"Come on lets eat!"
(Few hours later)

Your POV

Arghhhh I think I drank to much.. I can barely sit up properly..

U face jeongyeon and ask,

"I'm tired....can I sle-"

She cut me off by suprise and kissed me in the lips.

"I really like u..." She whispers and kisses again. I didnt know what to do and I'm getting mixed feelings. See pressing her lips harder and u accept her kiss and kiss her back. Our tongues mix. She breaks the kiss and says

"Lets continue this on my bed." She whisper in my ear sending shivers down my spine and I nod.

She drag me to her room and closes the door and starts stripping me. Slowly pulling shirt off and undoing my bra.

No ones POV

As Jeoungyeon strips y/n gets excited, as she dresses Jeongyeon and take her to the bed. Now only in panties, with jeongyeon on top of y/n, she presses her chest right on top of y/n and kisses y/n, a deep messing kiss. She moves down to y/n neck and marks her. Sucking her so hard leaving purple-ish red marks causing y/n to whimper every time.

Jeongyeon moves down to y/n pussy, and noticing how wet it is, she pulls her panties off and teases her. Slowing touching her clit

"Look hows wet" she teases y/n and licks her clit, causing y/n to moan.

Then she start licking faster forcing y/n to grip the bed sheets and arching her back,  then jeongyeon puts her tongue inside her. Y/n moans in surprise and grabs jeongyeons hair and shove her deeper into her pussy.

"Y/n, I got a suprise for u" she says and asks her to close her eyes.

Y/n sits up and jeongyeon tells y/n

"Open ur eyes" she says

And y/n finds herself staring at a 10 inch dick from where her pussy is supposed to be.

"U have a dick? Are u transgender?" Y/n asked in surprise

"No, I was born with it, I'm like a mixed gen-" and shes cut off because y/n suddenly sucked her dick.

Jeonyeon moans as y/n blow her. Y/n starts using her hands to blow jeongyeon and suck it faster.

"I-i-I'm gonna c-cum!!!" Jeongyeon says as she releases her juices into y/n mouth, and she sallowed all of it lick here lips and leans back.

"I want u inside" she says in a teasing tone open her pussy with her hand.

And jeongyeon slams her 10 inch right in her pussy.

"Argh ur so tight." Jeongyeon says while y/n pussy tightly wraps her dick.

"Maybe becauses its my first" y/n replies. And jeongyeon starts thrusting. Loosening y/n pussy every time and earning louder moans every thrust. Jeongyeon slowly moves her hands to from y/n waist to her beast groping them and then sucking her hard tits.

"Ah fuck yes. FUCK" y/n says when u thrusted harder and faster.


Jeongyeon groans and thrusts harder and and moves on to y/n neck leaving more marks and giving her a kiss.

"I want u to cum inside me, im on pills dont worry" y/n whispers to jeongyeons ears.

And jeongyeon starts thrusting faster

"Im closee......" Jeongyeon tells y/n
"Me too" she replies back.

And one last thrust and she explodes filling y/n womb. Y/n is shaking from her orgamism.

"Ur..cuming..so much my womb is about to..explode" y/n says trembling. Jeongyeon pulls out her dick and sees y/n pussy leaking out her juices. So jeongyeon licks the leaking him and goes up to y/n mouth and kisses her, leting her taste the delicious juices.

"우리...오늘부터 1일이다^^" jeongyeon says breaking the kiss. They cuddle for awhile and fall asleep

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