After what I did, this is it?(Reader × Jihyo)(Requested)

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"I don't need you anymore? What do you not understand?" those words hit me, hard, it felt like you heart shuddered into 2million pieces.


"Jihyo noona!!" I called her name, she turns around and looks at me and smiles. How could one human being to so perfect. I thank God every day for this amazing gift.

"누나, 잘지냈어?" I ask her as she hops in my car, she looks sad, not happy.

It seems like shes having a bad day.

"Y/n-ah, where's our date going?" she asks, changing subject.

"Uhhh, where my heart leads us, I guess?" I joke, she gives out a little giggle, I drive to Dongdaemoon, luckily it was dark and a few people. We parked and got off. We held hands and walked down to street, looking at some fake brand names and going in and out of the APM mall. I brought her some food and ice cream, but she still looked sad. Guilty? Why guilty?

"Is something wrong noona?" I ask her as we drive to her house.

"No, Just I had a hard day today." She says, "but youve made my day better" she gives out a small smile.

Of course shes lying. The rest of the car ride was silent. Quite. As if we are strangers.

I dropped her off, I pecked her on the lips, but it was a cold kiss.

What wrong?

I go home, and I think. What did I do? Is she mad at me?

I tried to avoid her for awhile, give her some time to calm down.

Until Friday. She called me,
(Italic is you bold is Jihyo)


Y/n-ah, are you busy right now?

No, is something wrong?

No, can we meet up, I want to talk

Sure, when?

At the cafe near your place I'll meet you there


And I hang up. I didnt feel good. I wasnt sick. But my mind told me this wont be a good "talk".

I dress up and head to the cafe and already see Jihyo sitting at a table near the window.

"Noona, what's wrong?" I ask her as I sit down. She nervously sips her coffee and looks up,

"Y/n-ah, lets break up."

Those words, I couldnt believe my ears,

"What? You wanna What?"

"..break up"

Break up...

I let out a laugh, I just couldn't believe what I heard.

"Why? Why all the sudden?"

She keeps quiet and stands up.

"Y/n-ah, thanks for everything, bye." she tells me. The words were so cold, heartless. It broke me.

She just stands up and leaves, nothing else. I stand up and run after her and grab her arm and turn her around,

"You wanna what? Break up?" I let out another laugh, "you wanna break up, uh, why?" I ask her again,

"I dont need you anymore! What do you not get?" she highers her voice,

"Thats it? You dont need me?" I start to tear up,

"Yep, so as I said, thanks for the memories and love, good bye" she said it again, even colder and heartless.

"After what all I did, what? You wanna break up? After what I did? After I gave you my best, what? Thanks? Thats it? And what? Goodbye? Did you even love me?"

She didnt answer, she looked down, silent.

"So you didnt love me, than why the Fuck did you even decide to love me? Is it because of all the things I bought you? The money?"

She just there in silence, I face palm.

"Jihyo noona, do you love someone else?"

She slowly nodded, I couldn't believe it.

I just stare at her, I take my ring out and pull my couple necklace and throw in front of her,

"Here, refund these and get some cash, and have fun with your new boyfriend." I turn around and walk. I really wanted to look back, give her a second chance, my body wanted to hug her, and some how make her mine again, but my mind didnt. So I just walked, not looking back, I got in my car and drove away. I go to my house to pack up all her stuff she had over, our pictures, and whatever that reminded me of our relationship. I put it all in a box and drove to her house and dropped the box of in front of her door.

I wanted her, but didn't.

I left a little note for her to read when she comes home.

Jihyo's POV

I walked home to she a box in front of my door, I pick it up to she it was the stuff me and y/n did together. I walked inside and opened the note.

"Dear: Jihyo Noona,

I wish that new man treats you like gold, unlike me. I guess that's why you left me.

Thanks for all the memories, and I really enjoyed being with you. Have fun, and Bye."


Sorry if this story sucked ass, its my first non smut story and my first full angst story. Hope you guys enjoyed it😌😂

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