I'm sorry, I was wrong, please come back. (Nayeon × male)(request)

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"What the Fuck!!" I yell at Nayeon, "what the Fuck is this?"

Nayeon and I are, I mean were dating. A good 5 years. I was planning on to propose to her next week, but I caught her today, with another man, I think his name was Jinyoung? But who cares, that bitch stole my baby,

"Babe," she removes her hands from his and holds mine, I snatch my hand away,

"What? 'i can explain'? Explain what? Do you know, how much I spent my time and love on you? And You decide to Fuck me up and what? Cheat on me? Know what, whatever, just do whatever, I dont give any fuck about what you do anymore." I yell at her as I throw my couple necklace and ring on the ground. She cries, I hurts my heart so much, I never hurt her so much, I didnt what to, she made me.

2 years later..

I graduated university and now a professional interior design/decorator. I make millions. I'm filthy rich. But all this money, cars, clothes, girls still wont let me forget about Nayeon. Her gummy smile, silly personality, her self confidence in her own beauty, the way she hugs me, kiss me, every thing. I smile just thinking about her. Ever since I got rich, I fucked over hundereds of bitches, from thiccc to petit, from teen to mature, from kinky to normal sex, but the way Nayeon sleeps with me is irreplaceable. Her soft milky skin. Holy shit I miss her.

I head home and open my door to see my living room lights open. I see who's there, and it's her, Nayeon. Her hair and her every thing still prefect.

"How did you get here?" I ask her.

"Your pin is still my birthday." she smiles with tears, "thats cute"

"Why dont you go to that jingyoen or jinhyung guy," I tell her,

She starts crying, sobbing actually, that hits my heart.

"I...I regerted that choice for 2 years, I'm so sorry, I..I was stupid," she whimpers out. I try my best to ignore her and poor myself a cup of water and take a sip.

"So what? You wanna come back together? After what you did to me?" I say, she starts crying more.

"Do you know, the feeling of being cheated on? Do you know because of a bitch like you, my life is completely empty?" she starts sobbing right when I call her a bitch, I regret saying it, it hurts me so much.

"Do you know? Huh? I did my best, to take care of you and make You feel good. Did you know?" I get madder,

She's sobbing, She slid of the chair and cries louder. It hurt my heart so much, I wanted to apologise, but I couldn't, after what she did to me.

"I...I so sorry." she whimpered out.

"I still want you back, Nayeon. My heart aches every time I see you so happy on TV. My heart aches so much, I cry, I cry my eyes out every single fucking day." I tell her as I walk to her and stand her up, "I really really love you, still."

She stands up and wipes her tears.

"I...I missed You. I figured out Jinyoung just wanted fame. I dumped him. I tried to contact you but I couldnt find you." she tells me. "I'm depressed. I take pulls every day, I tried to kill myself twice after you left me. I cried every day, regretting what I did."

After she said that, all I could see were her lips, her red lips. I wanted to kiss them, until she kissed me first. My eyes start leaking, I start crying. I missed her lips, the taste of her kisses, I put my hand behind her neck and pull her closer to me and kiss her back. She starts tearing up too. I break the kiss and look at her, I wipe her tears,

"I'm sorry," I whisper to her, "I'm so sorry, I should've held you back,"

I kiss her back, we had a passionate kiss, a lustful kiss, a sexual kiss. My heart felt filled, my emptines was gone. She went inside my shirt and roamed across my back, the age pulled it off, I pull off her shirt as while and move down to her ass, and grip it, making her release a small moan. I pick her up and hold her at my waist, she wraps her legs around my waist and I walk her to my room and place ourselves of the bed amd break the kiss, I brush her hair behind her ear and stare at her, and kiss her again, I move down to her neck and behind her ear and mark her, so no other bitch will take her again, I moved down to her breast and take her bra off and massage them, I fiddle around with her hardened nipples and lick them like candy bars. She moans out as she cannot resist the pleasure of my mouth. I move down to hero pants and aggressively with her panties, and I decide to tease her, I lightly touch her clot and trace my finger in between her folds, just passing by her entrance, she whimpers,

"So, how many times did that Jinyoung guy fuck this pussy?" I ask her as I continue to tease her,

"Please, y/n-ah, just fuck me" she whimpers,

"Then beg" I tell her, I wanted to Fuck her so hard that no other bitch will ever pleasure her like I do.


I stand up and aim my dick her entrance and slowly enter....


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