Can we come back together? (Dahyun×Reader)(requested)

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(In a universe, where Dahyun didnt make it to TWICE and tell from SIXTEEN. Now, she's a normal girl, that works like every normal person)

Your POV.

This is fucking insane. First, how the Fuck did I sign up to work at a company that my ex works at. And how the fuck do we some hkw decide the work late that day, and how the fuck are we back together now.

Dahyun's POV.

I miss her. Y/n. We did so much together. I know she was a bitch, we fought over something so stupid. I tried to forget about her, but her warm self beside me couldn't get replaced by any other. I tried to be straight. But I just couldn't make my heart love a guy.

My new job at this company is giving me so much stress. Usually, y/n is always beside me to cheer me on.

Because my boss, who hates me gave me another report to finish by 2 days from now, I decide to stay after work to finish the report.

Right when I finish and head to the printer to print, there was no paper. I search the whole building floor for paper and I couldnt find it. I noticed a lighy coming from a room, so I walk and knock on the door.

Your POV.

As the president of this company, I had some financing stuff to clean up in this department, so I stay after work to finish up.

Around 3:00am, someone knocks on my door.

"Hello?" the person behind the door says. A very very familiar voice,

"Come in!" I tell her. She opens the door and comes in and turns around. But I saw this in slowmo, her hair swings by and shows her face, my ex.



Both of you guys were really suprised. She covers her mouth in shock as you stare at her. She lowers her hand, turns around and gets ready to leave, but you run up to her, grab her wrist and dive right into her lips, and she instantly accepts. You feels something warm roll down her cheeks, she was crying.

"I'm sorry, I shouldnt have left you" you wipe her tears. She sniffs, and stops crying,

"I'm sorry for not holding you back," she sniffs out and goes straight for a kiss. This one was an aggressive kiss, rough and lustful. I slide me hand under her skirt and touch her wet clot, and rub it. She moans. I break the kiss and slide her coat off and unbutton her shirt. I pull her bra off and squeeze her breast, she moans. I lower myself down and suck on her nipple and slowly move down to her waist. I pull her skirt down, exposing her wet panties. I slide her panties down and dive right to her pussy, she moans out loud and grabs your head and pushes it deeper to her pussy. She grabs her own breast and massages it, and moans louder. I slide my tongue in, causing her to moan out,

"Y/n-ah, I'm close!" as she pushes yoir head more deeper into her pussy. After a few seconds, she squirts right into your mouth. You swallow all of it and kiss her. She twitches and whimpers.

"Can we be back together?" she whimpers out,

"Sure," you tell her,

Then she hugs you, but You pull her back, and unbutton your shirt and take it off.

"That orgasm wasn't free baby, it my turn." you smirk at her as she slowly moves down to your waist to get started.

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