I changed my mind(Jihyo × Futa Reader)(Smut)

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Requested by Colorfulasian
I hope you enjoy!

Jihyo's POV,

"Your gonna what with a who?" I blurt out in at the dinner table.

"You gonna marry y/n and she's a girl," my mom repeats herself.

"But Mom, I'm a girl! I like men!"

"I know you like men, but its 2018 Jisoo, and they're a very wealthy family and the daughter is really cute!"

"But mom, still, I'm not gay, I don't care about how you think about the other members of TWICE but im straight!"

I stand up and walk up to my room and slam the door. I mess up my hair and look in the mirror, and I see me. I normal me.

I sat down on my desk and opened up my laptop to relieve stress I went on NAVER WEBTOONS and started reading Sound of Your Heart. I laughed my ass off for an hour until my mom knocked on the door,


"Hmm? Come in" I tell her,

"We're gonna be meeting y/n's family at 6 for dinner, and I want you to go and try to work it out, if it doesn't work, I wont force you"

"Fine... I'll get ready" I tell her. I go to my closet and grab a blue dress, put it on and get ready.

Your POV,

"Honey! They're here!" My mom tells me. I'm wearing a suit, a white and black suit, the opposite colours of a standard suit.

"Hello, Mrs and Mr. Park! It's a pleasure for us to have you here!" The parents all greet each other as I walk down the staircase and see a girl, a beautiful girl, she was wearing a tight dress a one that shows her shoulders and collarbones and a bit of her cleavage. I scan her from toe to head, she had a nice pair of high heels, bright red, showing glossed toe nails, she has very fine legs, very tone and even and a satisfying hour glass shaped body. Her face was just too beautiful, her round eyes and adorable but sexy facial features, i couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

"Hello." I bow to the Park family, "My name is y/n, it is a pleasure to meet you,"

They introduce me to their daughter, her name is Jihyo, we shake hands and head to the dinner table. Dinner was awfully quiet, we were right beside each other, eating quietly until I broke the silence.

Jihyo's POV,

As soon as a walk in their doorway, I see her, him? She had a feminine body but a handsome but pretty face, she was tidying her suit up, fiddling with the buttons on her wrist and she we meet eyes, I stare at her, she had short hair, just like ChaeGoblin and had a flat, but noticeable chest and near her crotch she had a bulge, was it something to make her seem more masculine? 

As we eat she asks me a question, "How old are you by the way?"

"I'm 21, how about you?"

"Oh really? I'm 21 too! So I drop my words?"(meaning to stop speaking formally together)

"Sure, but i would like to continue talking formally to you, I'm not that comfortable with those kinds of things."

"Sure, do as you want"

And we talk for awhile, we figured we had some in common, we both like the same webtoon, like browsing through the internet and both loved the karaoke.

We were about to leave but she comes and asks, "Mind if I can take your number?"

"No, here," I grab her my phone and hand it to her, she puts her number in and saves the number.

(Time skip)

No one's POV

It's been a few weeks since the 2 started seeing eachother and they started to get along very well.

Your POV

"Hey Jihyo, wanna drink with me?" I ask her over the phone, I had a tough day at work and all I could think of was her.

"Uh, sure, when?" She replies,

"Are you free right now?" I ask her,

"Yep, where are you?"

"My parents are on vacay, wanna come over?"

"Okay, be there in 10!" And hangs up.

I bring out a bottle of Johnny Blue and two glasses and some poutine, so our mouths are not too boring. 

I hear the doorbell and I run up stairs and open the door,

"That took you 10 minutes and 56 seconds. You're late." I joke as she walks in.

She lightly hits you on your shoulder, "Stop being so petty" she smiles.

I lead her to the stairway leading downstairs, I look behind me to check on her and she was just staring out the place, observing the new part of the house.

(Time skip)

No one's POV

She started drinking a lot. You didn't expect that much from her. She drank a bottle of whiskey herself and half a bottle of wine, and the end, she was a drunk something.

"Jihyo, you drank a lot, lets go home" you tell her,

She whines and brushes your hand away,

"Iahm naht dfrunk, trutstph meh," she slurs out, "shee? I cahn stand!" She stands up, she wobbles and falls right on you. Her chest slowly slides down to your chest, to your stomach and slides right at your dick, you blush and slightly feel your pants getting tight.

"Hmmm?" She hums out, "why do I feel this?" She slurs out as she grabs your balls and gropes them, you moan and pull her away, your dick is fully erected.

She giggles, "y/n-ah!! What?! You have a pee pee hehehehhue"

"I wanna see it" she slurs out, slowly pulling your pants down. You push her away, but she whines and grabs on to your waist,

"Y/n-ahhhgimmeyourdicktome" she slurs out as she whips your pants off. She stares at it and bites her lips, "damn, your pee pee is really big" she moans out as she slowly wraps her hand around it, she stands up and pushes you to the couch nearby and sits you down, she seems like she's alittle less drunk now, since she can stand and walk, she slowly strips of her clothes and panties, and she stares at that dick of your, getting harder by her beautiful body.

She slowly walks towards you sits right on your dick and grinds your dick with her pussy and dives straight into your lips for a kiss...


Part 2?

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