Adulthood (Jihyo x M! Reader Smut)

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Hi guys this is the second admin
I'd like to say sorry for being away for so long as well as on the first admin's behalf
We have both been busy with our personal lives that we have forgotten to keep blessing y'all with some smuts😏😏😂😂
Anyways... whatever themes you find in this smut
Don't read it and start attacking me because just below this
I'd did warn y'all...

Also, don't be scared and feel free to ask me JeongJam any questions! I feel bored anyways and would love to talk to any of you guys👋🤗❤️❤️😂

With lots of love for you,

JeongJam , the 2nd admin


Or Jihyo as a mommy and the rest of the Twice members as her literal children
And you have a... "relationship" with Jihyo

1848 Words


It was such a beautiful day outside...

My name is Y/N, a 24 year old guy who had just graduated college and was looking for some fun and rest after 16 straight years of torture that is called "school"

But skipping that, y'all want some fun stories you wanna hear from ol' papa Y/N?
Well here ya go, buckle your seat belts and get ready...

I Woke up to the bright light, embracing my room with its warm rays upon every surface

You yawned as you stretched and got out of bed

Starting to do your daily morning routines, you brushed your teeth, ate breakfast, watched tv for a couple of minutes and then something popped into your head

You needed to buy some winter clothes as the season was close to ending

You got up from the couch and took a shower, taking your time to get every angle of your body to be shining and presentable

Locking your door and walking out to the mall close by, your hands found its way into your pockets as your enjoyed the weather, never to be seen again until 6 months from now at the earliest

Upon arriving at the mall, you decided to go towards the Gucci and Balenciaga stores as you seemed to particularly like their sense of style

You went in, browsed their selections and paid once you found what you liked

It was when you walked out when you heard a group of children yell obnoxiously, attracting your attention to a very beautiful woman.... and 8 other children

The beautiful woman did not try to shush the children as she stared voluptuously in your direction... as if something was demanding for her deserving attention

You became shy as you thought she was staring at you and dropped your head, continuing your shopping in peace

There was a toy store that caught your sights which you walked to unwillingly because of your natural-born love for toys since childhood

"Mommy~~~!!! I want a new toyyyyah!!"
"Can I get thisss? I pwomise to be gwood at school!"
"No fair!! Sana already has a chest full of towys at home! It's my turn!!!"

Was all you heard as your head turned to see the same group of kids, with the same woman who was staring at you, walk into the store but you had a suspicion

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