Birthday Wish (Momo x Reader)

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Ok so since people got triggered last time here it is
Just please don't comment that makes me feel bad as a person and human being
This is all just fan fiction or a plot
Any mature or violent themes should not be laughed about

Mature Warning
An Angst? With STRONG signs of depression

-2nd admin, JeongJam


I walked into my dimly lit and gloomy apartment, all my belongings on the floor, scattered along with trash over months of not cleaning

As I walked in my apartment, I was holding a cake... MY CAKE... as it was my birthday today

I placed the cake on the table and went to the kitchen to find some candles and a lighter

After a few minutes, I found some and I walked myself back to the cake

I moved some pieces of trash from the sofa to make a spot for me to sit down

I plopped down on the sofa as I turned the lighter on and lit the candles that I placed on the cake

After I lit them, I began singing

"...............ha-happy b...b-birthday to me....
happy... birthday to me.... *sobs*
happ *sobs* y... b-bir *sobs*thday to m-me...
hap-py... birth *sobs* day YN.....*sobs*
happy *sobs*  birthday to me......."

I began to cry as I ended the song and finally blew the candles out with a sore throat

I placed my face down into my hands as I continued to cry and try to forget the pain that has left a huge hole in my heart...

What SHE has left in my heart...

"Momo-ah.... why can't things just have ended on more friendlier terms??" I began to uncontrollably cry my heart out

I look at my phone, hearing a notification pop up
It was from Momo

"Hey YN!!! Let's go to the amusement park!!!"

It was fun! We played so many games and tried out so many rides

Then when it was time to leave we began to walk out but as we were nearing the exit

"YN.....I-i want to break up..."

Momo stood there for a few seconds, looking directly at the ground, holding all of the prizes and merch that we won at the park...
All before throwing them onto the floor and running away

I stood there heart broken as I dropped to the ground, emotionless... and unable to react

End flashback

I tried to stand up, my knees wobbling under the crushing weight of my body, still in denial of my break up with my only love of my life

She was perfect
She was everything I could have asked for

She had a nice figure

A cute personality

And... she was just pretty

But now she's gone and I didn't do anything to stop it

I just let it happen right in front of me, with my voice muted

I walked towards the balcony door as I walked like a drunk walking home
Crashing into my things like vases and picture frames

But when I bumped into a picture of me and Momo, I saw the glass break

That's like our relationship, it was perfect before you cracked my heart

I looked away and continued to walk to the balcony, clutching my chest near my heart

Once I was outside, I walked to the edge and took a breath, admiring and regretting my life that seemed was all... but a lie

I took one final breath before I pushed myself over the balcony railing and inched forward...

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