Until My Last Breath

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Hello!! Sorry for being away for awhile

But I would like to make a poll
Who would like to see "Birthday Wish" Part 2?
And if you would like to request me, the 2nd admin
Please ask me JeongJam

And also I would like to ask if you like me being the 2nd admin here because I believe some of you don't like me
But that's ok... I can take it, please be honest...

-2nd admin JeongJam

My eyes were staring at the heart monitor as it counted my final seconds


Then I hear someone scream my name,my eyes slowly and blurrily move to see her face

Pleading as she holds my weak, lifeless and cold hand like a clamp

She shakes it as she screams at me not to let go and walk towards the light,

"YN AH!!! YN AH!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME HERE ALONE LIKE THIS!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL OUR PROMISES THAT WE WOULD LIVE TOGETHER, HAVE CHILDREN, AND DIE TOGETHER!!!" Mina sobs through her ever-falling tears, clutching YN's cold hands as his heart rate rapidly drops at a dramatic rate

"Mina!! Let's go take a picture with that mascot over there!!" YN says as he points at the mascot of Jollibee

"Awww so cute!!! Ok I want to!!"

We ran to the mascot and YN tried to find his phone in his pocket but couldn't find it

"Oh no!! I think I left my phone back in the car!! Let me go back and get it!! Wait for me here!!" I say as I run back and cross the street, not forgetting to look both sides of the streets first

Flashback within a flashback
Stranger POV
I pushed on the gas of my car, going to work

It was a normal day and I was at a stoplight that turned red so I stopped

After the light turned green, I started moving again slowly towards my job which is still 20 mins away

Then I saw someone running across the street, I tried to step on the brakes as quickly as I could but they didn't work



Beep beep beep

"I-I'm sorry...m-m-Mina... I guess I won't be able t-to make it...I'm sorry...that I can't make it up to you with our-r promises...I'd hate to see you cry when I'm gone... but please know that-t I'll be...


...watching over you...


...like always, just promise that you'll do the same...f-for me...


The monitor says as I slowly closes my eyes and begin to smell cherry blossom and my world beginning to turn dark

"Ah, I remember this smell... it was when I first met you right....Mina?"

Mina POV
The heart monitor flat lines and my eyes go wide as more tears begin to fall onto my cheeks

"NO NO NO NO NO!!! WHY MUST YOU LEAVE!! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO TO THE LIGHT!! YN YOU BAKA!!...." I continue to cry a river as I keep blabbering my feelings...

That I lost someone who had been there for me

Whether I was being bullied...

Or when I was by myself...

You were there for me, whenever I saw you, you were like an angel to me

Your warm presence melted the cold aura around me and made me feel wanted and have a feeling of belonging and purpose in this world...

But now that you're gone.. I don't know what to do anymore

I hold his hand ever more tightly, placing my face on his chest and pounding my curled fist against the bed...

This was not supposed to be it...

Was supposed to be with you
Until my last breath

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