I didn't know...(Nayeon × Reader)(Part 2)

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Buckle your seatbelts, its about to get wild😉😉 (warning very long chapter)

Nayeons POV

I didn't know, I didnt think through the consequences. At the time, I was deseperate I guess. Always on tour and always performing. And barely anytime to meet up with y/n, I guess I flipped.

Y/n and me were dating since first year high school, he was very tough and handsome, which made me head over heels for y/n. He always fought and almost killed a few guys in school fights, his name was "The Crazy Bulldog", meaning he never lets go until they beg. Surprisingly, when I went to ask him out, he asked first, I thought it was really cute, a 6 foot tall guy, jacked up and all tough, comes up to me, blushing and asking me out. I said yes. I was always beside him. I lived alone and so did he, because pur houses were to far away. So he wpuld come to my house and "protect me from kidnappers and rapists". The other people said I "tamed" him, and I sorta did. Ever since we met, he rarely fought. The only few Times were small, where they talked shit to me. Which I found very attractive. My heart would bounce everytime. The last time he fought was when a group of guys were teasing me and pushing me around, they were calling me a slut and hoe, only wanting the protection of y/n. He beat everyone of them, and broke all of their pink fingers, to never walk even 10 meters near me.

We had a very stable relationship, I he moved into my house when we were in second year high school and kept it a secret until we graduated. I know y/n inside out and so does he, but I made a huge mistake.

When I debuted as Twice, Jinyoung from Got7 seemed to give me more attention, the busier we got, the closer we got. Not being able to meet up with y/n, me feeling slowly faded. It went toward jinyoung slowly. I didn't want it to, so I avoided Jinyoung, for a long time. I met y/n whenever I can, I called him to come every break I had.

But I was stupid.

I should've regretted Jinyoung's invite,

I should've....

When Jinyoung held my hands, y/n walked in, so happy and smiling, holding a bag. I guess he was on his way to our dorm.

I should've have went...

His smile went to a frown on mayters of seconds, and threw everything on the ground. Our necklace, ring, and our relationship and friendship...

I cried on the spot, Jinyoung tried to cheer me up, but it was all that bitches fault, without him, me and y/n could've still been a happy couple. I dumped him after that day. He didnt even care.

I told JYP to keep him away from me.

I over heard of his conversations.. He just wanted my fame.

The last 2 year's were hell.



I couldn't, no can't stop regretting, my choice of going to that cafe, my feeling shifting to Jinyoung. My stupid ass to break out relationship.

I didnt eat, break are go anywhere, JYP got me therapy and meds, they didnt help, the hole in my heart, the one that cant ever be filled. I miss his love.

Then suicide.

I tried, I really wanted to, what was the point? What was my reason to live? Why the Fuck am I still here without him? I cut myself, almost to my wrist, but the other members stopped me. I hated them. I took sleeping pills. And went to the ER, 4 times.

My heart just ached too much.

The emptyness swallowed me up, the was no reason for me to live, to love, to eat. I drowned myself unconscious 5 times. I attempted to hang myself e times. I couldnt go anywhere. I need his love back.

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