Paranoid (Mina x Neutral Reader)

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Sorry for the long hiatus, I have been having some major personal health problems, but please do not worry about me❤️❤️
Love you guys😇😂😭

-2nd admin, JeongJam


I woke up to a bright and positive morning, greeted with the sunlight beaming at my face, which was the one and only... Myoui Mina

"Hey baby..." Mina says in a still sleepy voice as she caresses my face "you hungry? Because I'm gonna get up and cook breakfast before our little date today" she flashes her gummy smile at me and my heart flutters

What a lucky guy I am

Mina got out from bed with her hands interlocked with mine before letting go and heading to the kitchen while I stayed in bed

Why? Because I'm lazy and tired

It's been a few minutes and I suddenly heard everything outside stop making sound


I got out of bed and walked out, but I didn't see Mina anywhere.

"Mmminaaaaa, whereeeee are youuuuu??" I said in a melancholic voice as I tried to find Mina,who was playing hide and seek with me

I heard her giggle from behind the curtains, her feet poking out from the bottom

"Oh...ok I guess I'll just look over here then"

"Aha!!" I pulled back the curtain, revealing Mina, wearing a messy chef apron

" found me" she pouts with her penguin aegyo

"Well yeah!! Anyways, you better find yourself to the table because it's almost time for our date!!"

I was dressed up in my clothes and so was Mina, we headed out and towards my car
I noticed that a lot of people were looking at us, whispering and pointing

Mina bends her head down "baby, why are they looking at us like that?" She begins to sob adorably

"Don't worry about them!! They just must think how cute of a couple we are together!" I led her into the car and put on her seatbelt before closing the door. I looked back at the people from earlier

Weird... I might just be tired from last night's fun that I could be imagining things

We arrived at the mall and went to the arcade to play some games

"This is so much fun Mina!!"
(Is it?)

"I can't ever imagine a day without you being the highlight of my life!!!"
(What am I saying?)

"This is so..."

And before then, it was almost 3pm and we went outside to the nearby park next to the mall

We were walking down the aisle of cherry blossoms, with our hands intertwined and mainly me, holding a strawberry drink with two pepero straws

I turned to face her and held up the drink
"Have some! It's good, I know strawberry is your favorite!"

Out of the edge of my eye, I saw a crowd starting to form, taking pictures of me and my precious little Mina on a personal date

Mina noticed this and grabbed my hand, before taking off away from the crowd
Then my hand went through hers like she was invisible, before she

I spilled the strawberry shake all over my shirt but I didn't care about that
"Mina!!??!??! Mina where are you!?!" I screamed as I started to get worried and anxious

Where could she have possibly gone when she was just with me?

I grabbed my hair with both hands out of frustration as I started to inappropriately act like a mad man and pounded the ground

??? POV

I lifted my head and stared at YN from a distance before taking out a small container full of unknown drugs from my pocket

"I'm sorry YN, it was the only way because if I didn't give it to you that day

The news about Mina would have made you


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