Chp. 1

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"Valerian, what are you doing?! Your going to get us killed!", I replied in fear as Valerian was trying to hotwire a ship...this time with hundreds of wires. A famous gambler in the area lost a bet in which who could drink the most with out having to pass out. I obviously won the bet, won the money, the gambler passed out, and we didn't have a ride anywhere. So Valerian decided that we would hijack his ship.

"(A/N), don't worry! Everything's going to be cool! If only I could get this damn---ah!", he replied in pain as he was shocked by the electricity and was surprised that we got the ship ready for lift-off. The gambler came running out of the bar with a few other guys running behind him yelling to have his ship back. But, we left the system anyway.

I sat back in one of the seats and took deep breaths as he cheered and I panicked. I was still trying to calm down as Valerian looked back at me and smiled. He went up to me and we hugged saying, "You did it! Now we have the money!" Valerian has been trying to get me to be his girlfriend for the past 3 years. I pulled put of the hug and replied back with a smile saying, "Valerian, don't go there with me right now. I'm still quite dizzy after those shots...what was that, tequila? Whiskey?"

"(A/N), tequila is definitely a lot stronger than whiskey so it's kind of obvious. Besides..." Before Valerian could finish his sentence, he kissed me on the cheek. "...I can't wait to go to our honeymoon. It's going to be the best."

"You know that the honeymoon is after the wedding right?", I said knowing he would say no.

"Really? I didn't know that." Valerian must've thought that I wasn't looking because he whisper-yelled, 'damn it!', as I chuckled a little bit. A little soft to the point where he couldn't really hear. We headed towards Planet Mül, with the species known as the Pearls, beautiful ocean, beautiful sights, and is mostly like a dream. I've been there once before my parents passed away. I got up out of my seat and told Valerian that I was going to the simulator.

I went to my room, and grabbed my black bikini, with a cover up shirt and headed towards the simulator. There were many settings to choose from like snowy, rainy, cloudy, dark, etc.. I chose sunny. As I laid there lying still, I began to think about Valerian and my future. I slowly began to close my eyes and soon fell asleep.

Valerian x Reader *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now