Chp. 14

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I couldn't stop thinking about Valerian. And I'm pretty sure he couldn't stop thinking about me either. I guarantee it.

As I reached the simulator, the only thing I wanted to do was to drift off into a long and undisturbed sleep. No arms, no lips, no Valerian.

So I put in a pitch black night with the heater on so I wouldn't feel like I was freezing to death. I took a deep breath and sighed as I slowly closed my eyes.

When I was watching some old news on the screen, I felt Valerian's head rest on my shoulder. I was so tired of him on my back.

He was like the extra puzzle piece no one needed. He was like the Joker of cards no one played with. He was like dirty laundry that you wish you would dispose of.

But, damn, he's got to be around every corner you turn and followed every footstep you left to place a new one.

This guy doesn't give up and he certainly doesn't take a hint. I rolled my shoulder as a signal for him to get off me.

He removed his head and asked, "You alright? You seem to be off every time I'm around you? Is there a problem?"

I chuckled a little, knowing he didn't understand that he is my problem. "Yeah, you're the problem. You're always following me while I try to get away from you. You're at every corner I turn to. I'm sick of it. I don't need you on my back all the time. I wish you wouldn't act like a lost puppy. Do something with yourself, Valerian."

He looked struck with hurt and disappointment. All I did was mentally have a little party in my head, happy to get rid of all I needed to say. I felt victorious.

"I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable but there's nothing to do around here. You're the only person I can talk to besides Alex, but the ship's not human so..."

"Sooo...what?", was all I said hoping that I would never have to deal with him soon.

"So I don't know what you want me to do."

"I want you to leave me."

Valerian x Reader *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now