Chp. 15

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"I want you to leave me."

"I want you to---" I was rudely awakened by Valerian shaking me. I blinked a few times and let my eyes adjust as I slowly sat up from the chair.

"Valerian, what the hell? Why did you do that?" I rubbed my temples while I was patiently waiting for my answer.

"Sorry (Y/N), but you started talking in your sleep so I figured you had a nightmare. You kept repeating, "I want you to leave me." So I shook you awake."

I started to feel a bit nervous hoping that Valerian didn't realize that I was talking about him. I had to think of something to let him know that that was not how I felt about him.

"(Y/N), who did you want to leave you in your dream?" I had to think quickly so it didn't sound obvious that it was him I was talking about.

"My dad. I--its nothing though. It's in the past and we must move on from there. How long was I out?" I asked quickly trying to change the subject.

"About 3 hours. You must've been really tired. Anyway, I got good news and some bad news."

I looked up at him and spoke, "Give me the bad news first."

"Well, the Commander called and gave us some coordinates for the converter but when I asked him what it looked like, all he said was that we'll know what it looks like when we see it."

I gave him the poker face considering that it really wasn't bad news at all. I knew that the Commander would say something like that anyway.

"You call that bad news? What's bad is that we're doing our first mission. Alright, what's the good news?"

"The good news is that I found the camera that the Pearl planted in the ship. It was attached to Alex's system so that's how he knows what we've been up to."

I sighed and stood up popping my neck and wrapping my (H/L) in a messy bun. "That's good news. Now I don't have to feel like I need to shower with clothes on."

I heard Valerian chuckle and stand up from the chair. "Is that why you've been taking so damn long to change in the bathroom?"

I smirked and replied, "Yeah. Is there a problem with that?" He smirked back and said, "You do know that you have a bathing suit you can shower in, right?"

I mentally facepalmed myself and blushed a bit realizing how dumb I've been all this time about showering in my actual clothes instead of my bathing suit.

Valerian and I both left the room laughing to ourselves. It just took me awhile to realize that maybe Valerian has probably been watching me in the shower with the camera he found this whole time.

(A/N)- I finally updated!! Yay me!! This is kind if a filler chapter because of not updating in SO long and I've been busy in school. So, as you all have been waiting for this book to have a notification, here is a new chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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