Chp. 9

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"Yeah, but in a different system, back when I was 18. But look where we are now! A new system, a new experience and a fresh start!" Valerian was now holding both of my hands in his.

He just glued his eyes into mine as he kept talking. "A fresh start where it's just me and you, (Y/N). Don't you want to be with me? As partners? As agents? As lovers?"

The word 'lover' was a little painful for me to hear. He was a 'lover' to a lot of girls. Of course I wanted to be with him, but just him. I never wanted pain to cross between us, especially if it's the truth.

And the truth hurts, even if you wanted to hear a lie. Love can be a bitch sometimes. "Of course I want to be with you, Valerian. It's just that...I don't know what I'm talking about. Yes, I'll be with you, as partners, as agents, as lovers."

"Can we just forget all of this ever happened? I know it's going to be hard for you, (Y/N). But we have to earn each other's trust." I smiled and hugged Valerian.

Alex broke our long-lasting hug. "We are now landing on Alpha, at the agency headquarters." Damn you, Alex! I was just getting into it!

Valerian and I pulled out of the hug as he replied, "Thank you, Alex. Well, are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. Let's get this over with. I just want to talk with the commander, answer some questions, and get it done. That's all I want to do." I assumed that this agency thing was going to be more planned out more than I already intended.

When we arrived, the Commander walked out with a handful of other agents and other workers. "Welcome to Alpha, Valerian and (Y/N). I assume the trip was worth it and comforting enough for the both of you."

Valerian and I both stared at each other and looked back at the Commander. "We're both satisfied with our flight. So, what do you need us to do?", Valerian asked the Commander.

"First, I need you to meet some people. Until, you two are federal undercover agents, I suggest that you keep your mouth shut about this facility. Strictly federal business."

"Yes, Commander.", was all I said throughout the entire walk. Valerian looked to me and I looked back. He kissed my cheek as we held hands.

The Commander stopped in front of a door and turned around to face us. "The first person I want you to meet is our number 1 agent in the west part of Alpha. She's in training right now so keep your cool."

My eyes widened as I took a deep breath. Valerian squeezed my hand twice as we walked through the entryway. In front of us was a beautiful, blond-haired teenager.

"I would like you two to meet Laureline."

Valerian x Reader *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now