We have company

16 0 1

More than expected.

Emily's P O V

"Ahh! Ahh! Uh! Oh my God!" I heard someone yelling and I flew up. "Ahh!" She yelled again. I ran from my room and into Eli's. "Oh God!" I yelled as I covered my eyes. "Oh Emily!" He yelled as the girl duck and threw the covers over her head.

I covered my eyes and stormed out of the room. "Emily!" He yelled as he ran up to me with the sheet around his waist. "I'm sorry" he said. "It's not about that but you kinda woke me up" I said. "I'm so sorry" he said and I had to try and hide the tears that came to my eyes. "Em-" he said. "I'll be heading to work soon" I said and walked away from him.

I showered and got dressed in my blue work shirt and my white jeans. I dragged on a white sneakers and caught my hair in two. I applied some blood red lipstick and placed my diamond earrings in my ear.

I grabbed my phone and my purse and went downstairs. I grabbed a cereal box from the cupboard and opened it. As I turned around I saw the blonde on the couch in my brothers shirt. Like her I didn't have time for all of these things such as boys. I have never had s*x or had a boyfriend, I was too busy trying to survive.

He came down in a white button up shirt and a black dress pants. His hair was combed back and his eyes glimmered. "You ready?" He asked. "Yes I'm ready" I said. I rolled my eyes as she got up and kissed him pulling on his lips.

"Your not leaving her in here are you?" I asked. "Hey..." He said. "Are you?" I asked. "Um...we have a um...a" he said. "I don't even want to know" I said and walked out and he was right beside me. He opened the car and I hopped in the passenger seat.

We sped down the road in silence well that was until he broke it. "Em I'm sorry. But not because of what happened I mean I need to live my life" he said.

"I know, next time when you want to live your life just tell me to stay at Angela's or something" I said. "She's on the other side of the world" he said. "Currently not, she moved here" I said. "She likes me you know that right?" He asked. I turned away I looked out the window.


"Remember I'm coming to pick you up!" He yelled as I walked away from the car. "Stop yelling the same thing over and over...whoever those guys are they might be right out here...go quickly" I said wanting him to get away.

I was upset. Not for what he did he's a guy but it just stirs my memory of what happened to my mom. I tried to shake the memory from my head and I hurriedly went up the stairs.

I opened the door to my boss's office and went in. "Hello there Em" he said and I was a bit taken back for boss never once called me that. "Good morning Jeffrey" I said.

He smiled as he stood up and took my hand in his. "Oh no...boss. I'm not getting fired am I?" I asked. "Heaven sakes no. Why would you think that?" He asked. "Well...your whole body" I said. He wasn't old he was 29 going thirty soon. It's his dad's business and he sort of took it over.

I looked down at his hand still on mine and he followed my eyes. "You have very soft hands" he said which caused me to looked into his vibrant green eyes. He had dirty blonde hair and a strong structure. He had a tattoo on his neck and it was a lady bug. But my eyes can't ignore anything.

"Thank you" I said still trying to read his eyes. "Well off to work you go" he said leading me out of his office. "But I didn't sign in" I said. "Don't worry I will do it for you" he said as he closed the door. I heard a huge sigh on the other end of the door and I just shook it off.

I walked out with the bucket of fish in my hand and I went to feed the sharks. God knows I hate these sharks. They stare at me too hard. One came up and was looking me in the eye. "Go away" I said and it didn't move it only came closer. It's a good thing they keep them in here.

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