The mask is torn off

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So your the betrayer. Hello again.

Emily's P O V

I groaned as my head hurt and I slowly opened my eyes to see him in the couch looking at me. I gasped and got up. "Disgusting" I said and he just looked deeper into my eyes so I closed them. "The first time I saw you I just knew you had to he mine. Don't worry when their finished with you I'm going to take care of you" he said.

"Maybe when their done with me I'll have Aids" I said as the tears ran down my eyes. "I'm sorry if they had caused you pain Emily but I don't know what to do yet. I'm just so impatient for the very day when I can have you and no one will ever take you away from me" he said. "Get out of my sight. Your. Sick" I said.

"If you mean sick for you then guilty as charged" he said. I groaned again as I tried to get the chain from off my ankle. "Hellllllllpppppp!" I yelled as I trashed my foot on the couch. He got up and placed his hand over my mouth. "They told you not to yell" he said. "If that means they would kill me the I will gladly die. It is better for me to be dead to be amongst the living" I said.

"Don't you want to have a happy life with me. After this we can roam free" he said. "Does this look like a face that seems interested in you crap?!" I asked. "Soon you'll be begging to come with me and the good part is that I'll gladly take you with me and start a life. Get married and have about three kids and s*x every night" he said. "Help" I said looking in the ceiling.

"If you had two choices. To die here or to live with me which would it be?" He asked. "I would die here than live with you and become a s*x slave or even worst a toy. Who would have s*x every night of their married life? And who would be happy in a marriage that is forced and to be living with someone you don't love?" I asked.

"I get it. It's Henry isn't it?" He asked. "Henry and I aren't in anything do you leave him out of this. This is our greed and selfishness. If your mother could see you now she would not be pleased" I said and he looked down. "I wasn't going to hurt you. But I guess you want to be left to the persons who would. Fine have your wish" he said and got up.

"I have two persons I'd like you to meet so you have to go get ready for them. It's a surprise for both you and them" he said. "Be good and you won't get hurt" he said. He took a key from his pocket and walked over to where the chain was attached. He opened it and took it from my ankle. I hissed and rubbed my ankle.

"Get up" he said as he hauled me up and carried me into a room. My heart was racing and my palms began to sweat. "Where-" I paused as he carried me into the bathroom. "Freshen up love" he said. He handed me a towel and a rag and the soap was already in the bath. I went over inside and stripped myself as I threw the clothes on the floor.

I began showering as I cried silently. I reached out and grabbed the towel and dried off. "I'm finsished" I said and ye opened the door and came in. I didn't even know he went out. He led me out of the bathroom and on the bed was a red dress. "Put that on" he said and walked out. I took the dress up and saw a black bra with matching under wear and the tag was there to prove that I was freshly bought.

I dragged it on and looked in the mirror and I realized that the dress had a cut come straight up my leg and it had an open back. I felt so uncomfortable in this dress. "I'm finished" I said and he came back and looked at me as he smiled. "Stunning" he said. He looked at my neck and walked up to me and tore the necklace from around my neck.

My hand reached up and I cried. "That was a gift from Elijah" I said. "So" he said. "Come" he said and I hesitantly walked up to him. He grabbed both my hands and placed the cuffs on them. "You look lovely and appealing" he said. "Burn in hell" I said and he laughed and kissed my cheek. "There's a lot of things your going to learn" he said and I was confused.

What did he mean by that? What was he talking about? He pulled on the chain and I followed him. "Sit" he said and he placed me in the couch and sat beside me. "Mr and Mrs Xyme" someone said and I looked up to see the same man who took me. "You too make a lovely couple" I said and he laughed.

"I would hurt you but I was given orders that I should cease for a while" he said. "Come out boys" he said and three men came out. One with a bag over his head and two that made my heart stop. "Hello love" he said with a smirk and the other one bowed and I pulled the chains from his hand and stormed outside. There is no way this is true.

My head was spinning and I could barely see where I was going and I knew my body was in a state of shock and I couldn't stop it. I heard yelling and I looked around but all I saw was pitched black. "No! HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP! HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!" I yelled. The only thing that was set in my mind was getting out.

"Oh no love I don't think so" the man said and I tried to look but I couldn't see. He gripped me from behind and injected me with something. "I just want to go home" I cried. "You are home. For now" he said and I was gone.

Henry's P O V

"I found it" Joshua said. "They have stopped alright men let's move" I said. For the first time we were right behind them. I was at the last destination she had been the shack on track place and we found another note. Of course I ignored that because I was right behind her. I was happy but I was also afraid. Afraid of what is to come and what might happen and what I might find.

I tried to breathe. I got back in the car and the rest of the men came in. Elisha as usual was left with Angela and we made sure to keep her updated at all times. She was scared and decided that she needed to feel like she was with us. I know it's a bad idea but I decided that once we've arrived at the second destination I would cut her off.

Of course she doesn't know that. I started the engine and released a huge breathe before I stepped on the gas. I was not planning on leaving a single one of them there I'm coming and I will get there to save EMILY. Shawn touched my shoulder and I looked at him. "Be ready for anything" I sad and he nodded.

Be ready for anything.

What about this chapter?

Okay so I know it's short but like I told you earlier we are basically at the end of the book.

It all ends soon.


*Wipes tear drop.

So now we are on our last journey ish and the final questions.

Who were those men Emily say?

Who betrayed the gang?

Who murdered Cinthia?

Who stole Elijah's body?

Where is Emily?

Who kidnapped Emily?

Well we are all going to find out about that it the next chapter.

Questions get answered in the next turn of the page.

I'm going to be so sad that the journey is almost finished but lets get at the edge of our seats and really see what's actually going on.

Please comment

LOVE you

Mwwahhh 💋💕

Hi everyone, it's me the writer DREASAVAGE. So I have enjoyed this journey with each and every one of you. You have inspired me to continue writing. Now I have already told you about my next story but I'd like to tell you again. It's MY SISTER IS DATING A PIMP. I want you guys to come along with me into this other story and help me to create it. I will miss all of you in the story.








EVERY one.

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