Henry knows

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Great now everyone knows.

Emily's P O V

I wondered around in the cemetery wondering what to think and what to do. I can't think of the first person I knew who would take him. What the hell is going on? This must be some sick joke. "Miss!' someone yelled at me. I turned and looked to see an elderly man walking over to me. "Hello Miss I'm sorry but you can't be over here someone should be buried right in this spot today" he said.

"Hold up. This is supposed to be a  crime seen" I said. "What?" He asked. "My brother was buried here and now he's gone" I said. "Wait....miss I think your confused there was no one butied in this grave" he said. "What?! No that's wrong. The funeral was just a couple months ago and I watched when the casket went down" I said.

"Miss I'm telling you. No one was buried here" he said. I turned and walked away with my mouth hanging low and my mind so confused. I felt as though I was about to faint. I opened my car door and sat in the car and closed the door. I switched the car on and sped down the road.

These couple last days have been so confusing. As I walked through the door I lifted my shirt and looked at my wound. I closed the door and walked farther into the room. I looked at baby Elisah as he held onto the couch and began walking towards me smiling.
"Awwwe" he was so adorable.

It's like it's been years since I've held him in my hands. I took him up and placed him in my arms. I felt something weird on the back of his shirt and I looked at my hand. I gasped and turned him around and looked to see a hand printed in blood on his shirt. I wanted to scream but I didn't want to scare him.

I placed him in his craddle and took his shirt off. "Angela! Angelo! Cinthia!" I called and waited but I heard nothing. "Ugh" I groaned as I walked around looking for anyone. I saw a the same hand printed in blood as I walked to Cinthia's room. I slightly pushed open the door and stepped back with my eyes wide open.


I woke up on my bed with Angela quickly packing my bags. "What the?" I asked as I sat up slowly. "What happened?" I asked. "Cinthia is dead and the cops are already on it" she said. "What?" I asked. Now I remember.

.........FLASH BACK...........

I saw Cinthia on the bed with her throat slashed and a letter was on her stomach. Her face was turned into my direction and it was as if she was staring at me. Her hand hanged of the bed with the knife in her hands and she was bleeding badly and that's when I passed out.

..........FLASHBACK ENDS..........

"She committed suicide" she said and I gasped. "No that's not possible" I said. "I said that too but that's what it looks like" she said. "What the f*ck is this? First a f*cling missing body and now a suicide. Sh*t like this doesn't f*cking add up I'm so confused" I said getting up. "I'm going home and so is Angelo. We can't leave you at the gang house so you'll be staying with Henry" she said.

"Overseas?" I asked. "No the police will be asking all of us questions so none of us can leave" she said. She pulled me up and gave me my bag and pushed me outside. I walked out there to see them carrying Cinthia's body away. "What about the baby?" I asked. "He'll be going with you. He's your nephew" She said.

I walked over to Elisha and took him up. "Thank God here is Henry" Angela said and I looked up. He walked into the house with a straight face on. He looked different. His hair grew and he looked a lot taller. He was in a dark hoodie with a black pants and shoes. He paused and looked at me then looked at Elisah then my bags.

"Give those to me" he said and I gave the bags to him. He turned and walked off and I looked at Angela and she hugged us both and then I followed him. He placed the bags in the trunk and went for Elisha's craddle and all his other stuffs.  I don't really know the first thing about taking care of a kid on my own.

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