A gang bang

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I'm screwed.

Emily's P O V

Inside that room were half naked or fully naked women and man. Some we're grinding on each other. Some we're having s*x. And other women were just giving bl*w jobs. I was disgusted.

I watched as they kissed and even women were there fingering other women. Even four men were having s*x with one woman. One was fingering, another the a**, another the original entrance and another was giving it orally. These women were treated like dogs or worst toys.

There was music playing, men sitting on couches while women gave lap dances. Men smoking and drinking and women on poles. God.

I watched as a man slapped a woman across the face for wasting his sp*rms on the ground. "Eli" I said looking at him with pure disgust. "I don't get involved... sometimes" he said and took my hand and lead me away.

He opened another door and we walked through and all I saw was chains and metals and some other weapons. "This is my favorite room" he said. I looked at him using my eyes to tell him to continue.

"This is the torture room" he said and I made a 'oh' expression on my face. We walked out of that room and turned left to end of in a room with about twenty men sitting or standing. Some were busy chatting, some busy with women and others were just looking dumbly in space.

"Guys" Eli said and they all looked around and smiled. "Hey boss" a blonde said. "Another one" a brunette said. "No, this one is my sister" Eli said. "Your sister, she's here to join?" The blonde asked as the other just plainly looked at me.

"Yes" Eli said. "She looks weak" a brown head said and I scowled at him. "Well I'll be out Henry come introduce her and make sure she doesn't leave the room" he said. "Eli" I said as he turned and walked towards the door.

"Eli!" I yelled. "Stay" he said and opened the door and stepped through. I turned around to see everyone looking at me. I was scared and nervous I didn't even know what to say. "I'm so f*cked" I said and they all laughed.

I was surprised. The Henry guy stepped up to me and smiled down at me. "You must be Emily....we have heard a lot about you" he said. I stood there trying to find anything to say but I couldn't speak. He was smoking hot, his honey eyes pierced into mine. And that smile could bring back the life into people.

I began to feel a bit weird and all I could do was smile when I looked at him. He gave me a awkward look and gave me a 'okay' expression.

I wish I could rewind time.

"Have you already seen the torture room otherwise known as the Devil?" He asked. "Well nice name but yeah" I said. "Have you already seen the rough ride room?" He asked. "I'm guess that's where the half naked people are at" I said. "Yeah" he said.

I stared up into his honey eyes as they pierced through mine. "So what are your hobbies?" I asked. Did I really just ask that? "I thought you knew, I kill" he said and I smiled faintly. "I can see your new to this" he said. "Really? What gave it away?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Come with me you have a lot to learn and a lot to see" he said. Here goes nothing. I followed him through many rooms and I was uncomfortable. The sights I saw and the noises I heard were nothing I have ever imagined.

"I think your job here would be to come with me and deliver the stuffs" he said. Stuffs? He pulled up him sleeves and on his arms I saw a skull tattoo. I stood there staring when he snapped his fingers in my face. "Don't stare" he said.

"What stuff?" I asked. "Hmm? Oh you know trade coke and weed for guns and money and we also trade people you know human trafficking" he said and my heart stopped. "W-what?" I asked. "It's the norm" he said. "What it's not the norm it's f*cking human trafficking! Sh*t!" I yelled.

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