Im sorry Henry

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Forgive me?

Emily's P O V

I made sure to wake up early today and get ready. I was going to apologize to Henry and I ran out into the hall where they would always sit after eating breakfast just to wait for him. It took a couple of minutes but he came out.

"I'm ready to die" I said with a smile but his face never changed from the stone hard anger it held. "We're not going anywhere today" he said and walked away. "Then where are you going?" I asked "I'm going for a walk which is none of your business and probably get a b*tch to ride my d*ck that you kicked me in" he said with venom in his voice.

"What's the problem with you?" I asked. "Me? Oh your world is perfect baby, your never at fault. Oh I forgot your Misses Perfect" he said. "No I'm not" I said. "I didn't say it you did" he said walking away. "Stop!" I yelled after him. "You stop" he said and walked even faster.

I wasn't going to give up on him so I followed. I grabbed a hold of a hoodie and threw it over my body as I ran outside. I looked up and didn't see him since I turned down and saw him way ahead of me. "Henry!" I yelled and he began running.

"Wait! You can't leave me out here all by myself!" I yelled. "I'm sorry but I didn't invite you out here!" He yelled. I was huffing and puffing as I felt my chest getting tighter. "Henry!" I shouted slowing down a little. Breathe Emi breathe. I started breathing through my mouth as I began catching up a little.

"Just stop please" I half shouted as I began jogging. He slowed down as well but he was way ahead. "Henry" I said I was giving up even though I didn't want to. "Henry please" I said with my eyes closed. "Please" I whispered and I felt when someone covered my mouth and trashed me into a wall.

I screamed but it could not be heard. I looked up to see Henry. "Shhh" he said. I looked up at him and I was confused. I tried moving his hand away but he wouldn't budge. "Shut up!" I heard a man yell. I caught Henry off guard and flashed his hand away from my mouth.

I peeped around the wall to see a man holding a gun at a girl as she knelt there crying. "Please... I-I won't talk" she said. "Yeah right" the man said and shot her in the chest. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I felt when the tears came running down my cheek and Henry held onto my waist and pulled me to his chest.

He placed his hand over my mouth and I began crying. He turned me around so that I was facing him. "Look at me" he said and I laid my head on his chest. "Look. At. Me" he said. I looked up into his eyes and he held my face. "We are going to run" he said. "No" I said shaking my head as I trembled.

"Hey. I'll hold you" he said. "No. I'm sorry Henry but I can't" I said shaking my head. "Hey. Hey!" He said and forced me to look at him. "If anyone deserves the bullet it's me" he said. "No" I said backing away and he gripped onto me and pulled me to his body.

"On three" he said. "I won't run" I said. "Your so stubborn" he said. "Will you please forgive me? I'm sorry" I said. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Yes" he said. I smiled as I hugged him and I kinda caught him off guard so he froze.

I felt when his hand wrapped around my body and I smiled. "Okay enough. Let's run" he said. "I'm not as fast as you" I said. "That's why I'll hold you" he said. "Shouldn't have left my gun" he said. "One...two....THREE!" He yelled and we ran.

My heart was racing and I was blinded by my tears. "Run!" He yelled and I did. He gripped onto my hand and pulled me at lightning speed. "Hey!" I heard the man yell and soon I heard footsteps. I was now afraid and I looked back to see them so close and they pointed their guns at us.

Henry looked back at me and pulled me even harder. I was wondering how he did all of this with a broken hand but then this isn't the time for that. We were way ahead of them but that didn't stop them from coming after us.

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