Lucy Talk to the Two Strauss

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When the Strauss went on a mission and didn't come back with Lisanna. Everybody in the guild cried hard except for Lucy. Lucy left the guild then she walked around in the meadow. When she saw Mirajane behind a tree crying she walked towards her.

"You okay",asked Lucy.

"No does it look like it",asked Mirajane still crying.

"No, but I'm just asking",said Lucy.

"This is all my fault I should have.....*smack*",Mirajane was saying until Lucy bent down and slapped her.

"Look at me in the eye and listen........It's not you or Elfman fault that Lisanna was dead........Now of Lisanna was here she'd be sad to see this, don't beat up yourself for something like this because it was an accident",said Lucy as Mirajane had less tears strolling down her face and looking Lucy in the eye.

"Why aren't you crying, doesn't it hurt you like it does to the rest of us ",asked Mirajane as Lucy then stood up.

"I'm not hurt I'm sad, she may not had made me smile like she tried, but I'm going to miss her",said Lucy as Mirajane smiled a little.

Lucy got up and then started walking and she saw Elfman sitting down crying saying this all my fault.
Lucy walked towards him and he saw her then she slapped him.

"Look here you need to man up",said Lucy.

"But I'm not a man I cry and I am are not cry babies",said Elfman looking down and getting slapped by Lucy again.

"Look at me straight in the eye.......It's okay to cry it just not okay giving up and blaming yourself because that's not going to get you anywhere and you have to be confident in your own actions",said Lucy as Elfman stopped crying and nodded.

"Now say I am Elfman Strauss and I am a strong and confident MAN",said Lucy as Elfman nodded.

"I am Elfman Strauss and I am a strong and confident MAN",said Elfman standing up and being confident and Lucy patted his shoulder then left.

Mirajane was ease dropping on the two and so was Natsu and Gray.

'She might be sarcastic, but she is really nice once you get to know her', thought all four of them.

Lucy went to a cave and sat in it and Terry came.

"Hey it's okay to cry",said Terry.

"Terry I can't cry", said Lucy.

"Are you like blind",asked Terry.

"No it's a curse that's hard to undo",said Lucy.

"Explain please",asked Terry.

"You see I can't remember much but it was a man with a ugly smirked that cursed me and something else hit my eye, but I couldn't remember. If I take off this eye patch then every thing around me will be destroyed or will cause destruction.  I could only cry with one eye",explained Lucy as Terry cried.

"That must of been painful",said Terry.

"Terry a lot of things have been painful since the beginning",said Lucy as Terry hugged Lucy then fell asleep.

Lucy went back home to Fairy Heels.

TimeSkip :Goal of getting money from pageant

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