S-Class Trials the Shocking Fight

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Lucy ran over and shield Terry and Lily. Lucy saw Terry was injured and she looked at the figure who was about to throw another spell at them.

 Lucy saw Terry was injured and she looked at the figure who was about to throw another spell at them

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(It's raining and dark just to let you know)

Lucy grunted then she made a rock come up smashing Zeref hand into his face. Lucy then threw a ice make hammer at him. Zeref was shocked that Lucy attacks wasn't destroyed.

Zeref came back up and he had a angry expression on his face.

Terry sat up and Lily smiled because she was regraining her strength. Terry watched Lucy fight Zeref in shock.

Zeref had glared at Lucy then Lucy transformed into battle clothes and she pulled out her whip she made

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Zeref had glared at Lucy then Lucy transformed into battle clothes and she pulled out her whip she made.

"Lily get Terry out of here and find the group",commanded Lucy as Lily nodded then flew away with Terry in his arms.

Zeref threw attacks at Lucy who dodged them and when he had another attack in his hand she made him hit it at himself and she swung her whip around at Zeref causing him to get attacked. Zeref looked at his scratch that he had on his arm from Lucy.

Zeref then did his death stance:

He was casting it and everything around him was dying and then Lucy eye started glowing

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He was casting it and everything around him was dying and then Lucy eye started glowing. What both mages didn't know was that Makorva was watching in surprise.

Zeref cast his spell and it went towards Lucy fast then she made his spell miss her then she absorbed the magic energy he produced to that spell.

Zeref had a shocked face then Lucy looked at him with her two eyes and she casted a spell with her eye. She shot the spell at Zeref and he was knocked out.

Lucy then walked over to him.

"That's what you get when you hurt my exceed",said Lucy as Zeref was breathing hard.

"Who are you",asked Zeref as Lucy froze him.

Lucy then saw something red flowing through the trees. It was fire and it had lightning mixed with it.

"Must be Natsu",said Lucy as she picked up the frozen Zeref. While she was walking back to the group she saw Makorva.

"You okay Gramps",asked Lucy.

"Okay now you came in my office and said you didn't want to be in S-Class, but you fought this Dark Mage when Terry got hurt",said Makorva as Lucy had her head down and kept walking.

"Lucy why",asked Makorva.

"Look Gramps can we talk about this when we get to the guild",asked Lucy as Gramps nodded then both walked back to the group who were hurt and panting from Acnologia.

The other wizards left the island and then Acnologia grabbed Zeref out of Lucy hand then shot magic at her. Gray and the others ran over to her.

"Lucy are you okay",asked Gray as Lucy nodded as a no.

"Face it we can't beat this dragon",said Erza as everybody nodded.

"Then Fairy Tail surrenders",said Makorva.

"Let's all hold hands and die together",said Natsu as everybody holded hands:

"Let's all hold hands and die together",said Natsu as everybody holded hands:

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The dragon shot at them then the island went down......but it also glowed.

Zeref POV

When I was unfrozen I was shocked that a girl with blonde hair used my magic against me. I kept wondering who she was and how did she not get affected by the attacks I threw. When her left eye started glowing I couldn't believe everything around her was destroying and when she shot a spell at me from her eye it affected me like crazy. I felt alive when she did it. I'm too curious about the girls power and I can't even figure out her name. Her brain works well.

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖

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