Lucy Research

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Lucy was at the guild then suddenly Natsu just started talking about his dragon. Gray talked about his childhood, Wendy talked about Grandine, Gajeel about his dragon, and everybody in the guild just started talking about there past and Lucy forgot about some of her past. She kept wondering who cursed her with this eye and how did her eye turn out this way.

Lucy went down to the library and she searched up the four elements and eye magic. She couldn't find any element eye. What she found in the eye magic was is if the person who had it ever showed it then it will destroy its surroundings faster than lightning.

She thought about what kind of wizard she was and thought she should go to the Spirit Island where she grew up at. Of course she doesn't remember so she took a map and went right back upstairs. Terry came up to her and asked where she was going.

"Where you going",asked Terry.

"Spirit Island",answered Lucy.

"Can I come",asked Terry.

"It's dangerous you might get hurt",said Lucy as Terry gave her the eyes.

"Please Lucy I don't ever feel comfortable when you go on missions by yourself",said Terry.

"Fine then you can come",said Lucy as Terry cheered then once she turned around Gray was in front of her.

"I guess your coming to aren't you",asked Lucy.

"Umm Yeah I never heard or seen Spirit Island",said Gray as Lucy nodded then the three left the guild.

While they were walking in the forest to get to the water they saw Lyon doing his business.

"Hey Lyon",yelled Gray scaring Lyon as he blushed because Lucy saw.

"What are you two going",asked Lyon.

"To Spirit Island",answered Lucy.

"Spirit Island, I never heard of it. Are y'all going on a mission there",asked Lyon.

"It's not a mission. I'm going there because I need to find out who curse me with this eye so they can lift it",said Lucy.

"Can I come",asked Lyon.

"Sure, but I gotta warn you it's gonna be dangerous",said Lucy as Lyon smirked.

"Lucy my middle name is Dangerous",said Lyon as Lucy laughed and Gray facepalm.

The four finally got to the sea and all three of them formed a Ice-Make big boat. The four hopped on and they went through tough waves. When they arrived they couldn't see it.

Lucy looked straight forward then she did a move and the Island appeared.

Lucy looked straight forward then she did a move and the Island appeared

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The four got off the boat then walked along the lane. When they finally made it they started to walk around.

"I feel like I been here before",said Lucy as the boys were curious. They then walked where there was a lot of green and Terry stepped on a symbol:

 They then walked where there was a lot of green and Terry stepped on a symbol:

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Suddenly it glowed and a man came up:

Suddenly it glowed and a man came up:

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"Who are you",asked Lucy.

"I am the Earth and Nature King Lucy Aquaria",said the King.

"How do you know my name",asked Lucy with her eyes widen.

"Because I'm he one that curse that eye of yours",said the King as the four had widen eyes.

"Undo the curse",command Lucy.

"Not without a cost",said the King.

"Fine then I challenge you to a battle, if I win then you lift the curse, but if you win then I'll suffer in pain",said Lucy as the King smirked.

"Deal",said the King as Gray,Lyon, and Terry had worry in there eyes.

'What if she looses',thought her friends.

Lucy had stripped and she was in this:

Lucy and the King got into fighting position then once it started the King threw a rock at her and she dodged it. Lucy stumped on the ground making a sneak attack that the King turned around to hit while Lucy did a Earth-Make Snake and Lion. It came and attacked him, but they were destroyed and the King was grabbed Lucy while body expect her head with his attack then he was making her friends go underground.

"Wait don't hurt them",said Lucy with seriousness and sadness in her voice.

"You came and challenged me and now I'm going to hurt your friends",said the King as Lucy eye started glowing and she was released from the attack. Lucy lifted up a lot of rocks with her magic then she hit it all at the King and stuck his feet to the ground then she lifted up her eye patch and the Earth/Nature King was then down. Her friends came back up and she ran over to them and hugged them because they were safe.

"Your Okay",said Lucy smiling as the boys hugged her tight.

Lucy then looked at the King who got up.

"Now when I undo this curse you don't have to wear a eye patch because you can now control it as eye magic",said the King as he undid the curse then Lucy took off her eye patch and nothing happened. When she turned around her friends smiled at her.

"Well your eye is healed and it is colored",said Lyon as she smiled.

Lucy left eye showed this:(media)

"Everything is back to normal",said Lucy as the four went back home. When the three made it back to the guild the guild was shocked to see Lucy eye. Everybody had a celebration because it was healed.

Macorva was in his off thinking of a team he could put together.

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖 and this will continue

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