sixty six.

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real life.

CHRIS WAS GOING through his bills and attempting to purchase a plane ticket

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CHRIS WAS GOING through his bills and attempting to purchase a plane ticket. He couldn't focus though. Not with Dodger whining at his feet and listening to Sebastian raid his kitchen.

He looked up after silence ensued for a few moments. Glancing towards the kitchen, expecting to see nothing but instead saw Sebastian with a sandwich hanging out of his mouth and a plate of corndogs in his hands. Chris couldn't help the laugh that came spewing from his lips as he shook his head.

"I swear, you eat like a teenage boy." Chris muttered.

Sebastian scoffed, "You have no room to talk. You are like a teenager."

He sighed, "Everything goes right, I'll be living with one soon."

Sebastian sat down, taking a large bite of his sandwich and then grinning. "Speaking of, how's that going so far?"

"So far— okay." Chris laughed nervously. "It's less than a month away, and I hate lying saying that I can't be there. I can't imagine how heartbroken she is, I mean it's our anniversary, man."

"Worth it, in the end." Sebastian reminded him, taking another bite from his sandwich.

Chris agreed quietly, continuing to write off his bills. He wanted them all paid off before going to see his girlfriend and come home later on with everything turned on.

"I can't believe I'm finally settling down," Chris muttered, shaking his head. "I'm asking this woman to marry me, despite my career and the attention she's received. I'm asking her to be my wife, live with me and have a family with me." He paused, glancing at Sebastian and letting out a shaky breath. "I'm terrified, man."

Sebastian smiled, giving him a bit of reassurance by placing his hand on Chris' shoulder.

"She'll say yes. Carmen loves you, dude. You love her, and that daughter of hers." He smirked slightly, "If you ask me, it's a match made in heaven."

Chris rolled his eyes at the cliché Seb just muttered as he squeezed Chris' shoulder.

"It doesn't seem lowkey insane that I'm proposing to her after just a year?"

Sebastian shook his head, "Nah. People get married in less time. It's cool. Besides, you're not getting any younger."

Chris scoffed, throwing Seb a playful, but obscene gesture. Which Sebastian returned with a large bite of his sandwich and a cheeky grin. Chris rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"I'm only thirty six," he grumbled.

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