thirty five.

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real life.

IT WASN'T TOO late when Carmen and Chris returned back to the apartment

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IT WASN'T TOO late when Carmen and Chris returned back to the apartment. Carmen had to admit though, the wonderful night left her exhausted.

Chris stole one more kiss as Carmen headed to her room to change. Anna and Bridget, who were sitting on the couch quietly, caught the whole thing. It took everything in Bridget to keep quiet and not give away their presence.

"So," Anna spoke up as Chris leaned back on the door, then laughed as he jumped. "That kiss, eh? What does it mean?"

He simply shrugged, "That we're a thing."

"Oh my god!" Bridget squealed, jumping off the couch to her feet. "You and my mom are officially a thing?!"

Chris bit down on his bottom lip to hold in the chuckle. He watched Bridget squeal and dance around the living room. That was how his heart felt, and that was how he wanted to react, but he needed to act as an adult. Though, the chuckle Chris was trying to hold back did slip through.

"Uh, may I speak with you, Bridget?" His voice came out nervously, her nodding immediately.

Anna quickly stood up, her blonde curls bouncing. She threw two fingers up, exclaiming, "Peace! I'm getting food."

Bridget giggled as she took her seat back on the couch. She watched Chris take off his shoes and come into the living room, crouching down on the floor next to her.

He smiled softly at the teen. "I'm seeing your mother, Bridget. I hope that's okay with you, seeing that you are the biggest thing in your mother's life." His words touched a nerve in Bridget, as she could only nod and he continued. "And I want you to know, that when I do leave since I'll have to go back to LA, you can get a hold of me anytime. I'm not stranger, kid. I'm not just the boyfriend either, I do hope to become something better. I want to take of you both, that's the goal. Is that okay with you, Bridget?"

Bridget couldn't help the tears welling in her eyes as she nodded at Chris. Her next move surprised him. She flung herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck as a few tears fell.

"Please make my mom happy." She whispered, "This is the happiest I've seen her, and she deserves it."

Chris chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around the petite teen. "Of course, kid. I'm gonna do my very best to keep her happy."

"What is going on here?" Carmen laughed, making Chris and Bridget shoot up.

"Nothing. I'm gonna get ready for bed." Bridget murmured, standing up. They watched her head for her room and listened to the door clicking shut.

Chris stood up next, slowly approaching his girl. He laid his large hands on her waist, smiles ghosting over both their lips. He leaned down, gently kissing her forehead.

"I'm gonna change. I'll be right back, princess."

"Okay. Hurry up and we'll cuddle, maybe I'll try not to fall asleep on you." Carmen giggled.

He nodded, "Got it, babe." He replied, leaning down to her cheek and moving around her towards her room.

Carmen bit down on her lip, her lips curling up into a smile. "Don't call me babe, Christopher." She called, laughing just before the door clicked shut behind her.

Carmen moved forward, putting in a Disney movie and settling down on the couch. Rogers came patting through, pawing at the couch in front of Carmen, begging to be picked up. With a sigh, she picked up the dog and sat him on her lap, then pulled the blanket off the back of her couch.

Chris came out just as the opening scene came on for The Little Mermaid, the movie that he knew every lyric too unashamedly. He happily took his place on the next to Carmen, immediately throwing his arm around her shoulders. A yawn slipped past her lips as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

It was only moments until Carmen was fast asleep. Chris glanced down at her, pulling the blanket over her and pressing a soft kiss to her skin. "Goodnight, babe." He smirked.

So, this chapter could probably be a bit better, but I really love the ending. And I've got a bit of selfish promo; for those who like Criminal Minds and Derek Morgan, I just recently republished my fic titled Confidential Case. It'd mean a lot if you could.

And, sometime between December and January, I'll be posting my mcu fic that I'm pretty excited about. Be on the look for that too

Also, just a huge thanks to everyone reading. I've just hit 6K and it's amazing because I thought I'd be here with this story. It's all because of you guys, and this is such a big thank you.

— Nicole 💕

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