Patches pt.1 (BMC)

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Ship- Boyfs/ stagedorks

Angst srry/ fluff at the end

(1902 words)

Tw: Feeling alone, depression, self-harm

Tonight Michael's phrase was "Fuck it". It has taken two months of being ignored, one week since the evil floppy disk was gone and yet Michael still felt ignored, why would Jeremy even need him anymore? He got the girl he wanted, he is one of the most popular kids in school, and he gets all the praise for "Saving the school" bullshit! I fucking saved the entire by giving him the Mountain dew red! Still Michael was invisible to his bestfriend of twelve years.

So he was finally done, and he wanted Jeremy to know.

The jacket. That was the jacket Jeremy gave to Michael in fifth grade and ever since Jeremy would always get him patches to make it look cooler. Although had some random ones here and there, he was going to rip off all the patches that meant something to him, A.K.A the ones Jeremy got him

The whisps of grey smoke filled the room as Michael slowly took off the jacket. As it was thrown on the ground in front of him, he couldn't stand the site of his arms, scars littered his arms up and down and side to side, over thirty.

(Time skip)

The Philippine flag- Jeremy got this one for him the summer of sixth grade, Michael was going to visit his grandparent's and Jeremy was heartbroken about it, they were separated for an entire summer.


"No! You can't be serious! Mikwey you cant leave me.... I'll miss you too much! The small boy hugged Michael. while crying and almost squeezed the life out of Michael.

"It'll be over before you know it! I promise! and have I ever broken a promise? Michael asked, also crying.

"N-No' he said hiccupping and sniffling.

"Of course I haven't! I have to go but I promise i'll be back!" Bye Jer-bear!, love you!"

"By mikey! Love you too!" Michael can still remember the pang of sadness in his heart as they said goodbyes.

*End of flashback*

"God! Fuck you Jeremy heere! I fucking hate that I love you!" he yelled at no one but the dust bunnies under the couch in the basement.

He ripped the patch off and threw it across the basement floor.


The pride flag-He gave Michael this one freshman year, Michael had come out to Jeremy and sure enough, a week later Jeremy had surprised Michael with it, ever since he's worn with pride and love. Even when kids at school teased him and made fun of him, he didn't care, his bestfriend excepted him and that's all that mattered. Now? His bestfriend didn't even notice anymore. He ripped it off without a care.


The AOTD patch-Jeremy gave this to him after they beat level eight. The one they had been stuck on for a little over two months. They beat it...Together. Now, the game sits on the shelf collecting dust because, how can you beat level nine, the cafetorium, without a player two. After all life is a two player game.


The rise above racism patch- This is one of the first patches Jeremy got Michael, Michael was being bullied fifth grade year because of the color of skin, and Jeremy didn't want that to get Michael down. it took a week for it to come in, but when it did, Michael cried and thanked Jeremy over and over again. This one he also wore with pride, it took him a while but he came to love himself, skin color also. But when he did, he made sure everyone knew.

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