-Day 1-

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No ones POV-

All of them were exited for this weeks photoshoot, plus the manager told them that they can even have a free time to explore the place.
Some moments later, Jungkook runs to the dorm and yells, " Hyung we have 5 mins before we leave!
"I'm not even done packing half of my stuff!" Taehyung replies "well it's not my fault that you aren't organized and didn't pack your stuff yesterday" "now is not the time to argue, we have to go soon so hurry" Namjoon said.

Later on-

When they were done packing we arrived at the airport. A bodyguard came up to us and says "listen, you guys have to go through this door then go to the right, if you get caught run to the door that's on the left". Everyone agreed and started to walk on the direction that we got assigned to.

Namjoon's POV-

I could see that people were looking at us like they know us, we couldn't turn around or anything or else we will get caught by fans.
Later, we arrived at the plane, jungkook and Jimin were arguing because they wanted to sit next to Taehyung, they were getting on my nerves. I could hear Jungkook's frustration "ok, then let's do Rock Paper Scissors."  I could see Jimin glaring at Jungkook "Fine. The one that wins first gets to sit next to Taehyung."
Rock, paper, scissors!


Jungkook: I WIN!

Jimin: of course you did...

On the other side I could see Hoseok sitting next to Yoongi, and Jin is going to sit next to me.

-time skipping-

No ones POV-

They all arrived at the hotel and headed towards the secretary for the room keys. Like on the plane, Yoongi is sharing with Hoseok, Jungkook with Taehyung, Jin, Namjoon and Jimin. The Manager was starting to give instructions "you guys can go to your rooms, tomorrow at 7 am you guys will have to get ready for the  photoshoot, then at 8 am we will call you one by one for the solo shoot then the duos."

Everyone started to head to the rooms.

Yoongi's POV-

I started to feel weird for some reason, it's like something isn't right in this place. Without realizing, Hoseok was calling my name. "Hello? Yoongi? Is your soul gone?" "oh ah sorry. I think I just don't feel well, that's all." Hoseok replied "well I'm gonna take a shower and then heading to bed." "Ok, I'm gonna go to the balcony." "I'll call you when the shower is free." I chuckled and said "Free? Is it expensive?" "haha very funny turtle, I meant by when I'm done taking my shower." "Ok ok"
I've never felt this relaxed in quite a while.. it feels nice. But I still have a little doubt, but I'm trying to forget about it.


"hyung? You okay?"

Jungkook was in the other balcony besides mine.
"yeah don't worry, I just needed to take some fresh air for a little." "yeah same here, I keep having this weird feeling."
So I'm not the only one to worry about something.
Moments later Hoseok walked towards already ready for bed "Yoongi you can go now"
"I'm coming, Well I'll talk to you tomorrow good night Jungkook" "goodnight hyung!"

I walk towards the bathroom still thinking about why I'm being worried, I'll probably forget about it by tomorrow.

Author: Heyo! Sorry if it was short I haven't been writing a lot but I'll try my best to update as fast as I can :)

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