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This time it was lucifer who decided to move in the morning only to realize he was still in me.

I had been awake for about two minutes and he hadn't noticed. Probably since he was mumbling about food.

I get worried once he tenses and decide to mind link him.

'Morning mate...would you mind making love to me this beautiful morning?'

His growl of approval floats through the air and I bite my lip.

'Maybe after you can get your dessert'


"Hey miles" I exclaim happily throwing myself into his arms.

I made lucifer go to the pack house and check up on something's because I didn't want a fight to break out.

Miles laughs. "Someone's happy to see me".

"You have no idea. It's been a month already!"

He shakes his head with a smile and pats the spot next to him on the couch.
I had cleaned up the while house with my powers since disinfectant would have been too strong.

Sitting down I click play on the remote.

"Oh god. Titanic? Really?" Miles groans and I ignore the growing heat in my core.

"Yes really now shush."

Halfway into the movie I glance over at miles and feel that buried passion.

Throughout titanic I would get random urges but always seemed to drop then.

Now... With miles looking so delicious and practically begging me to ride him...,

Leaning towards him I'm just about to kiss his cheek when he springs away from me.

"Aphrodite....you need to..calm down. Or else..."

I bite my lip in pleasure at his breathless groans in between his sentence and beckon him closer.

"I want you miles. So so much"

'Aphrodite you need to fight the temptation. It's a test that should not be happening'

Ignoring the moon goddess I start to life my shirts.

'Aphrodite?' Lucifers voice in my head freezes mr and I quickly pull my shirt back down. It was like getting a slap in the face.

'Yea?' I ask while pleading with my eyes for miles so he could forgive me.
Lucifer sighs sadly in my head. "The moon goddess showed me the message also.

Plus your wolf was pushing what was happening to me'
I whine internally.

"Miles Formen, I, Aphrodite the First Descendant of the moon goddess reject you as my segundo. I accept you as my segundo"

That's when I felt the true break.
It was horrendous and I could feel my wolf subconsciously calling for Luvifer while Miles only flinches a couple times then starts prancing around the room.

A howl rings through the house and then a low growl right after.

'Aphrodute, I know you are in pain but you need to leave. Miles has found his mate. It will not be pretty if you are there. I'm on my way.'

I try to push the pain away but ultimately fail.

Tears fell from my face like a never ending faucet and my heart felt as if it was being ripped.

A woman's growl is heard at the doorway and when I look up angel is glaring at me venomously. The pain disperses quickly and is replaced with anger.

How dare she growl at her Luna.

A threatening growl slips through my own mouth but she stands her ground.

Causing me to stand up from my bed and growl louder.

My power floats through the room like a tiger stalking prey.

Miles' growl is silent but a warning towards the both of us.

Angel snarls in frustration at not being able to fight me back.

She begins to get in an attack position when a loud roar shakes my core.

Lucifer stands tall behind her with anger both flowing from him and the mind link.

"Stand down Angel" his command has her growling and I snarl.

"Calm down mutt. Do not forget I am your Luna".

Using my powers to hold her down I jerk my head at Miles.

"Get her put of here"

He takes no time in lifting her up, bowing respectfully towards lucifer and I and then leaving our house.

Turning to lucifer once I hear the front door shut I lower my head.

"I'm sorry I couldn't fight it Lucifer.... I understand if you want to re...re...reject me" I blurt out once the silence becomes to much to bear.
Lucifer confines to be quiet and right when I open my mouth to apologize some more I feel his hand push my head up from underneath my chin.

"I would never ever reject you Aphrodite. You must know that I am absolutely livid over what could have transpired but I know that what happened was not necessarily your fault. Plus I can't kill the boy anymore since you saw who his mate was".

I nod slowly while watching as he tries to reign in his aggravated wolf.

"I won't be able to say how sorry I am for ruining the trust you put in me."
He just shakes his head. "My trust in you never wavered. We are supposed to stick together. Not let one mistake control us"

I nod with a slight laugh.

"The Moon Goddess gave me a wise mate after all"

"I'm sorry about earlier Luna. It's just, my wolf heard and smelt Miles near and I completely lost control. We have been waiting for him for a long time"

Angel's solemn voice calms my wolfs anger and I smile slightly at her. "It's alright. I understand why you acted the way you did. Just try not to do it again. Our bond has been severed by the way. So you have no need to worry"

She sighs in relief and I can feel her own wolf relax. "I won't I promise Luna. And that's good to hear, may I be dismissed? I'm already missing him"

I nod and she leaves quickly after bowing her head to me.

"My brother will soon be here. My sister finding her mate has him using it as an excuse to come. He has already found his mate" I nod at Lucifer standing in front of me.

"A good 'ol family reunion. "

He smiles at me.

"I'm happy your finally meeting my family, our family. We need this."
I nod while biting my lip.

"I need something else also"

Lucifer eyes me slowly with a smirk.
"Oh really? And what can that be?"

I toss my shirt across the room.
"I think you know"

He growls lowly in pleasure.

"I will not be soft Aphrodite. A lot has happened"

I moan slightly at his comment.

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

The sly smile that takes over lucifers features has me immediately regretting my words.


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