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The boys didn't talk to each other all that much for the rest of the week. They sent the occasional text about what time they would be leaving and if Felix needed to bring anything else. Both of them were subconsciously nervous about the coming weekend, Felix being the more anxious and shaking everytime Pj would message him.

Felix is an anxious and awkward person just by default and the idea of lying about being Pj's boyfriend infront of people he had never even met made it so much worse than the usual. When Friday night came, he could barely sleep.

Early Saturday morning, Pj woke up feeling anxious and slightly jittery. He had no idea if this scheme was going to be able to be pulled off. There was a huge possibility that his family would be able to tell that him and Felix weren't actually a couple and then he would have to explain this whole awkward situation he had put himself in. He would never hear the end of it, which would be so much worse than the usual 'still single' nagging. 'It'll be fine. We just have to pull this off for a couple days and then Mum won't ask again. And if she does I'll just say that we weren't that serious. But atleast then she'll believe I'm not entirely hopeless in the romance department,' Pj thought while pulling himself out of bed and trudging to the shower.

After a shower and a quick hair dry he shot Felix a text saying he'd be heading over in a moment. He gathered his overnight bag and slipped on his glasses before walking out the door.

The drive to Felix's place was short, but it gave him enough time to conjure up some butterflies in his stomach. When he pulled into his drive way saw Felix peaking through his living room window before he disappeared. Assuming he was grabbing some last minute items, Pj leaned back into his seat and blew out a long breath trying to calm himself down. Felix reappeared coming out of  his front door and walking around to the passenger side of Pj's car. He opened the door and slid into his seat after tossing his bag in the back.

"Morning," Felix said smiling over at Pj.

"Hey man. You look nice." Felix had dressed up a tad in a black button down shirt that contrasted well with his white hair and blue eyes.

"Oh," Felix glanced down at himself, "thanks. I had considered shaving the beard. I was worried it made me look too scruffy."

"No. It looks nice," Pj reassured him whole pulling out of his driveway and began the drive to his parents' house. Felix just smiled and looked out the window.

About fifteen minutes of agonizing silence had passed before Pj sighed loudly. Felix turned his head to look at Pj expecting a complaint to leave his mouth. "I think um... I think we should get used to being close to each other." Pj kept his eyes on the road, not wanting to look at Felix.

"What do you mean?" Felix asked.

"We can't be fair apart from each other if we're supposed to be a couple. I think we should probably hold hands or something like that." Pj got more quiet as his thought continued on. 'Why is this so hard to ask? He's my friend and he agreed to this. It's not like he's going to punch you in the face for suggesting this.'

Felix's eyes widened slightly. "You're right, I guess. Um..." He put his hand out face up as an invitation to hold his hand. Pj dropped his hand into Felix's and intertwined their fingers. Both boys' faces immediately heated up, but neither of them could deny how nice it felt.

Pj smiled a tiny bit to himself and glanced over at Felix who had his eyes glued to their hands. Pj brought their hands over to his lap so he could reach the wheel quicker if he needed to, just in case. Felix instinctively shifted his elbow over, so he could reach easier. 'Maybe this won't be too hard to pull off.'

It's Just For the Weekend (KickthePewdie)Where stories live. Discover now