Too Cold and a Good Lie

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"Pj...Pj...hey cmon man wake up."

My brain was very slowly coming out of sleep when I finally felt Felix shaking my shoulder in an attempt to wake me up. I pulled my blanket tighter around me and let out a questioning groan.

"Dude I'm sorry, but it's absolutely freezing in your room and I can't find any extra blankets," Felix whispered.

"I thought there was some under the bed or like in the cupboard upstairs?"

"I looked and there weren't any."

"Mmmokay..." I mumbled out, slipping back into sleep.

"Pj!" Felix shook me again.

I finally opened my eyes to look up at him hovering over me. I could tell by the moonlight filtering in through the window that his nose was slightly red from, what I assumed was, my cold room. I caught his eyes and noticed they were holding a question. 'Does he want to sleep here, with me?' I thought. My mind was too fogged with sleep to question this outloud, so I simply scooted over and held up the blanket for him.

"You want me to get in bed with you? We could just find me a hoodie or something," he suggested, all the while sliding into the pullout bed next to me.

"I'm to tired for that, Felix. Just go to sleep." I dropped the blanket down over him and turned to face away from him, attempting to keep a respective distance.

"Okay..." Felix finally whispered. I could feel him turn the opposite direction from me and try to settle into sleep.

After a few minutes of dozing off only to be awoken by his shivering; I let my sleep deprived, delusional mind make a decision. I turned to face his back and reached out with one hand. When my hand touched his back, he suddenly stopped moving. He didn't say a word, so I continued to move my arm around him and slowly pulled him to my chest. He laid, still quiet, for a few moments before lifting his arm slightly and twisting it with mine so that our hands laid atop each others'.

He didn't shiver the rest of the night.


I woke before Felix did, finding him still asleep in my arms. At some point in the night he turned around to face me and tucked his head into my chest.  I smiled softly and brought my hand up to push back the hair on his forehead. He let out a sigh and pushed his head into my chest, attempting to snuggle closer to me. My smile widened and I continued to play with his hair for a few more moments.

I wanted to remember this soft morning because I knew the end of this 'relationship' was coming soon. In a few hours we would no longer be a couple. At some point between yesterday's back porch hug and last night's snuggle, I had accepted I had real and huge feelings for Felix. And I knew little moments like this, little moments of make believe, were going to break my heart later that day. I suspended my belief for another minute before deciding slip away from Felix to make us some breakfast.

Although, I was curious to know where those blankets my mum had promised us had gone to. I was so sure that there would atleast be some under my old bed.

Before making my way to the kitchen, I padded up the stairs and slipped into my room. I lifted to covers from the side of the bed to look underneath.

I found, in a perfectly folded, perfectly visible stack, three blankets tucked away under the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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