A Deal

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"Yeah....No I know....'Course I will....Well I'll see you then....Mum! Stop asking!....Alright......Bye, love you." I ended the call with a heavy sigh. I shoved the palms of my hands against my eyes and tried to rub away the annoyance in them before returning to Felix's living room. I saw his blue eyes peaking over the couch at me from the doorway of his kitchen. He'd been watching me pace a rut into his floor as I was on the phone.

"So, what'd your mom have to say?" Felix asked as I made my way around the back of the couch. I could feel his eyes trying to decipher the conversation from my face.

"The usual same, 'Are you eating? Staying healthy? Are you seeing anyone?' She never fails to ask that one," I said while lifting Felix's stretched out legs before sitting down and then replacing them on top of my lap. "I'm secretly dreading going home for the reunion on Saturday, but I can't just not go. They always poke fun at the fact I'm not with anyone and ask me about it all weekend. I don't understand why I need to be with someone. I'm fine single." I lowered my head onto my chest and began picking at the pilling on his sweatpants. I could feel the embarrassment pooling in my stomach just thinking about this weekend.

"You could just lie to them and say you've got someone, but they're too shy to come with you," Felix suggested while I leaned forward to grab my tea from the dark coffee table.

"Yeah, but then they'd ask for a picture and a description of how we met and all that shit," I replied, wincing from the hot tea I had forced down my throat.

"Then I guess you'll just have to deal with it until the weekend is over. It's not like you could pay someone to be your date for the weekend and pretend to be your partner."

I hummed in response and resumed picking at the pilling with my free hand. Could I hire someone? That'd be a little messed up; plus how could I fund someone comfortable enough with me to do that? We sat in silence for a moment, I thinking over what to do and Felix picking at the sides of his nails. Am I that close with anyone? Bertie? No, he's got a girlfriend... Dean? No, he'd be way too uncomfortable with that... Felix? I shoot my head up and looked over at him.

"What?" I slapped his leg. "Oh no. You can't just take me!"

"Why not?"

"Because...I don't know, but you can't!"

"Oh, cmon Felix. I'll give you 10 pounds. It's just for the weekend. Two days, that's it."

Felix groaned and dropped his head back onto the arm rest. I nudged him with my mug and after a long moment he rolled his head forward. "I guess," he mumbled.

"Yeah?" I said smiling wide at him.

"I guess, yeah. But I want 20 for it and I get to tease you in front of your parents and you can't get mad about it," Felix bargained.

I rested back against the couch in relief. I didn't have to worry about my mum's constant nagging anymore. "Thanks Felix."

Felix just nodded in reply and closed his eyes. Had I asked too much from him? I was suddenly worried about how awkward this could get. Before I could ask him if he was absolutely sure, he swung his legs off of me and stood to start up his Wii.

The rest of the night we sat and talked and played the ocassional round of Mario Cart. It was around 11 p.m. before I decided it was time for me to go back to my own house and let Felix sleep. Felix helped me gather my jacket and keys and walked me to the front door.

"I guess I'll see you Saturday morning then?" I asked hoping Felix hadn't changed his mind.

Felix cast his blue eyes to the floor. "For sure."

I smiled and grabbed his shoulder. "Thanks man." I let my hand slip off and walked out the front door.

It's Just For the Weekend (KickthePewdie)Where stories live. Discover now