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Pj pulled Felix closer by his belt loops causing their chests to finally press against each other. Felix smiled into his mouth and turned them to make sure Pj's back was facing the car. He walked them backwards until Pj was sandwiched between the car and himself. Pj let out a sigh of relief at this. His knees were beginning to buckle and give out at the feeling of Felix's hands travelling down his sides and the car door was giving him the support he needed.

One moment Felix was pulling Pj's bottom lip through his teeth and the next he had Pj's shirt worked halfway up his torso in the back of the car.

"Felix wait," Pj said after pulling his lips away from his. "We can't just have sex in the back of my car on some side room. Especially after our third kiss," he chuckled.

"No, yeah. 'Course, sorry." Felix lifted one knee and swung himself off of Pj's lap to sit on the seat next to him. "I didn't realize. I guess we got a little carried away, huh?" he smiled.

"Yeah." He lifted a hand to brush his thumb over Felix's now swollen lips. "Carried away would be the words."

They let the silence sit for a moment as they looked into each other's eyes.

Felix eventually broke the moment. "So... now what?"

"Um, we drive home?"

Felix let out an exasperated sigh and flopped back against the seat. "I mean like... now what?"

"I just told you."

"Pj, I'm not just going to drive home after my tongue was just in your mouth if we're not going to say anything about it!" Felix threw his hands up as if to further his point.

"Oh!" Pj hit himself over the forehead. "I suppose... I suppose that uh..." He began to flush red at the words.

"This could last- my boyfriend- eekend."

They spoke at the same time, the words sounding like a jumbled mess.

"Sorry, you go first," Felix offered.

Pj let out a breath of slow air trying to calm his racing heart. "Would you be my boyfriend? Like for real. Not just the weekend this time. Like always. Well not always if we break up, but you know what I mean. I won't lock you down or be like a weird overprotective boyfriend that after we break up I scare away other-"



"I said yes, Pj. I'd very much like to be your boyfriend." Felix smiled wide, his eyes glittering with happiness.

"Oh. Good." Pj was still incredibly flustered and nervous and didn't quite process his response. Felix's smiled dropped slightly with a roll of his eyes and grabbed Pj's hand.

He leaned forward and placed his mouth next to Pj's ear. "I said yes, Pj," he whispered.

Pj leaned back away from him and let a smile break onto his face. "Good." He leaned back forward and caught Felix into a swift kiss.

"You still have to drive the rest of the way home."


Ah sorry I can't write kissing scenes sorry if that was disappointing. Also sorry that something this short took two weeks.

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