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Felix awoke to three small knocks on his temporary bedroom door. He lifted his head to look towards the noise and squinted in the morning light before letting out a groggy 'come in'.

Pj peeked his head in and caught the sight of a sleepy Felix wrapped in his old blue covers. His face was slack with sleep and his hair was flat on its left side from where it had been resting against the pillow. He shifted his head to look at Pj and let out a small sigh.

Pj ducked his head as an apology for waking him and to give him a slight bit more privacy in his waking moments. "Morning. I made breakfast if you want some. Just come down when you're ready."

"Thanks man." Felix yawned out in a small, groggy voice.

"Course." Pj turned to leave before Felix called out to him.

"Did you sleep in your skinny jeans?" He scrunched his eyebrows at him glancing down at his legs.

Pj looked at him in confusion before suddenly feeling the tight fabric of his pants for the first time all morning. "Oh. Wow, I didn't notice. I guess I did. We never went back out to the car to get our stuff, did we?" He shifted on his feet and picked at the jeans, his legs becoming uncomfortable now that he realized he still had them on.

Felix shook his head. "It was late and we were tired. I figured you grabbed an old pair from in here. I don't know how you could stand sleeping in those all night," Felix laughed.

"I was tired! What did you sleep in?"

Felix flipped the blanket off of his legs and revealed a pair of rolled up navy blue pajama bottoms. They were Pj's from when he was about seventeen and were still too long on a twenty-eight year old Felix. "I found them in that box right on top. I figured you wouldn't mind." He pointed to a cardboard box that was open and stacked on two others.

Pj giggled at the sight of him in his old t-shirt and pajamas. "Course not, Felix. It's totally fine." He covered his mouth, shielding his smile.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. It's just that those pants?" Felix nodded his head for Pj to continue. "I wore those in high school and they're still too long on you." He let out a laugh.

Felix opened his mouth to defend himself, but stuttered on the words. "Hey! I'm not short, I'm average height! You're just weirdly tall, you dork." He fought the smile from his face as Pj continued to giggle.

"Whatever, man." He waved his hand in dismissal at the retort. "Come down for breakfast when you're ready, shorty," he said before dashing out the door.

"Hey!" Felix called after him, but Pj could hear the smile in his voice. He rubbed his hands over his tired blue eyes before sitting up to pull himself out of bed.


Pj had placed two plates of waffles on the table and had begun eating his by the time Felix made it to the dining room. He sat down and reached for the syrup.

"How'd you sleep?" Pj said around a bite of waffle.

Felix closed the cap on the bottle before responding. "Good, thanks. It's quite nice in there. The smell reminds me of...well, you, I guess." He blushed and tucked his head down. Pj smiled at him and continued eating.

They continued to talk about their sleep and the day before, all while tip toeing around the subject of the kiss. Eventually Pj's parents came down the old stairs and joined them at the table.

"Thanks for cooking breakfast, honey." Clara said, placing a hand over Pj's to show her gratitude.

"Not a problem, Mum," he smiled. Both boys had finished and were getting up to clean their plates. Pj began to put away ingredients before his father stopped him.

"Hey, there's no need for that. You cooked, we'll clean," he said, putting a hand up to stop the protest that was about the leave Pj's mouth.

"Thanks." They both nodded their head at him. The boys headed towards the front door. "I think Felix and I are going to change and then head off. If that's okay?" Again his parents nodded, mouths full of waffle and unable to answer with words.

Felix stepped out of the house first and gingerly walked on the gravel driveway to Pj's car in his barefeet. Pj shook his head and glided past him, as he had thought about pulling his Converse on before walking out. "Wait there and I'll grab out bags," he said in a light voice. Felix stopped and looked at him gratefully and took some steps back to stand on the concrete steps.

When he made it back to him, he held out a hand indicating that he wanted his bag. Pj raised one eyebrow at the demanding gesture and withheld the bag from him. Felix waited with his palm outstretched until he realized what Pj was waiting for. At this he rolled his eyes and let out a 'thank you'.

Pj smirked, leaned forward, placed the bag in his hand, and kissed his cheek. "No problem, babe."

A.N.- I'm sure we can all say a huge congratulations to Felix and Marzia for the engagement. I know I can, I'm very happy for them! I'm thinking that after I finish this story I'll go back and rework it to make it better and stuff like that.

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