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"Bye Mum," Pj whispered to Clara as he hugged her goodbye, his hair still wet from his recent shower and dripping water onto her shoulder. She gives him a tight squeeze and a kiss on the cheek in return before letting him go and reaching out to Felix.

"It was nice to meet you sweetheart. I hope we see you again soon," she said wrapping her arms around Felix's neck to pull him into a hug.

"I do too, Clara." Felix let the words leave his lips before realizing the small possibility of that happening. After this goodbye Pj and him would be theoretically broken up. He gripped her a bit tighter at the thought of that and tucked his head further into her shoulder. They eventually let go and gave each other small smiles.

Pj was letting go of his father when Felix turned to look at him. He offered a hand to shake, but Ben refused the offer, instead wrapping him in a bear hug. "It was good to meet you, son. Thanks for coming 'round."

Felix was shocked by the hug at first, then smoothing into it. "Thanks for letting me stay here for a night. We appreciate it." He looked over at Pj and Pj began to nod at this.

"Yeah, sometimes it's nice to come home. Although, you guys should really get rid of some of my stuff," Pj laughed.

"No! It's too sentimental. Some day you may want it all back," Clara said.

"Oh yeah, I'll definitely want all my old emo clothes back one day."

"Who knows?" They all smiled at the thought of current Pj in all black, singing some of his old screamo songs. Clara snapped out of the day dream and started herding the boys out the front door. "Oh, go on home now, boys. We'll see you some other time."

Pj was out the door and didn't catch his father telling Felix to look after him for them. He nodded his head in promise and followed his now 'ex-boyfriend' out the door. A weight sat in his stomach at his promise. Sure, he can watch out for him as a friend, but that's not what his father meant. He wanted Pj to have a partner in his life. That's what their nagging was about in the first place.

He pulled open the car door and slipped inside and turned to a smirking Pj. "Without a hitch, huh?" he said, allowing his smirk to pull into a small grin.

"Without a hitch," Felix confirmed with a heavy sigh. Pj's eyebrows pulled together in concern before backing out of the driveway.

"What's wrong?"

Felix didn't actually, properly know what was wrong. Something about the idea of the trip ending put a damper on his mood. He quickly thought of a reason to his sighing and said, "I'll just, uh, miss your parents."

Pj reached out and rested a hand over Felix's to comfort this slightly strange sentiment. "Maybe I can convince them that we became good friends after we broke up and I can bring you back sometime." Felix nodded at the proposition and turned his hand over to properly hold Pj's hand.

Neither of them thought much of this. Pj immediately adjusted by bringing their hands over into his lap, just as he did a few days ago. It didn't take long for the rocking of the car to lull Felix to sleep.


Felix was awoken abruptly for the second time that day when he heard the sudden sound of the car crunching on gravel and pulling to a stop. Pj had pulled over on a side road and was rubbing his eyes when Felix squinted over at him.

"What's going on?" Felix asked in a tired voice, struggling to sit up in his seat and find the source of the issue.

"I'm sorry man, but I'm going to fall asleep at the wheel if I keep driving," Pj said, still trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Oh. Do you want me to drive, then?" he offered.

Pj hesitated a moment before nodding his head and shifting to check the road. Once he saw it was clear, he got out of the driver's seat and crossed over to the passenger side. Felix got out and allowed himself to stretch onto his tiptoes.

His vision flooded with black spots and his stomach was struck with a sudden feeling of vertigo. His arms wheeled around as if he was trying to catch himself on thin air. Pj reached out and grabbed Felix by the waist as he fell forward. He braced his hands against Pj's shoulders as he came down.

Once his vision returned to normal and his swaying stopped he thanked Pj. "Oh wow. I must've stood up too fast. Thanks." His hands slipped up to either side of Pj's neck.

"No problem, babe." Pj said softly in response. His hand still rested on Felix's waist causing the same tension as yesterday outside of his old bedroom to be felt.

"Hey Pj?" Felix asked, his eyes flitting down to Pj's lips.

"Mm?" Pj hummed in response mesmerized by the moment.

"It's still the weekend right?"

Pj cracked a smile. "I do believe it is."

With that small confirmation, Felix slipped his hands up farther to his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss.

It's Just For the Weekend (KickthePewdie)Where stories live. Discover now