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A smile erupted onto Pj's mom's face at his words. "Oh Pj!" She exclaimed and reached forward to grab Felix and pull him into a bone crushing hug. Felix's eyes grew in shock before slowly wrapping his arms around her. "It's so very nice to meet you, Felix," she said once she let go.

"It, it's my pleasure, Mrs. Ligouri," Felix managed to mumble out.

"Oh please! Call me Clara!" (I don't actually know Pj's parent's names.) She leaned into Pj's ear and whispered, "He's a cutie."

Pj whipped his head around to look at her. "Mom!"

Clara just giggled and turned around to call out to her husband. "Ben! Ben, honey, Pj brought someone!"

Pj's father looked up from a board game he was playing with some of Pj's younger cousins. "Oh really?" he asked before standing up with a tremendous dad groan. He ambled his way over to stand in front of Felix. He put his fists on his hips and said, "So, you're dating my son?"

All Pj could do was look at Felix and wait for his reply. "Y-yes sir," he managed to choke out. Pj's dad wasn't particularly intimidating, but meeting your boyfriends dad will always make you shake in your boots even if it's a fake relationship.

Ben looked Felix up and down. Suddenly he stuck out a handing, offering for Felix to shake it. Once he did he grinned, "Nice to meet you then." Felix simply nodded enthusiastically as possible hoping he couldn't feel how sweaty his hands were.

"Well cmon. Come sit down!" Clara pushed the boys in the direction of the couch.

Pj slipped a hand onto the small of Felix's back and leaned closer to whisper, "You're doing really well." Felix answered with a nervous smile and a nod of his head.


They both spent most of the afternoon on the couch, Pj occasionally getting up to grab him and Felix drinks or snacks. Everytime he would settle back in next to Felix, his hand would automatically slip into his and Felix would shuffle slightly closer. This is really nice. I should've held Pj's hand sooner. I don't know if I've ever felt this content, Felix thought, his hand squeezing tighter around Pj's.

"So," an aunt spoke up, "how'd you two meet?" Family members around her shook their heads and murmured 'yeah's, eager to hear the story.

They both turned their heads to look at each other. Shit shit shit. How did we not think of this?! Pj tried to communicate with his eyes.

"Friends," they both spoke at the same time.

"Um," Pj looked at Felix for an elaboration. He just shrugged. "We uh, we met through mutual friends at a party," Pj said, keeping his eyes locked on Felix for reassurance. He hadn't made this story up and was hoping it would suffice.

Felix suddenly remembered their deal "I get to tease you in front of your parents," he had said. A mischievous smirk stretched across his face. Pj widened his eyes in question and then immediately shook his head no pleading with him not to say anything embarassing. "Oh yeah." Pj pinched his arm attempting to get his to shut up. Felix just swatted his had away. "Pj couldn't keep his eyes off of me all night."


"I saw his from across the living room of this guy's house. He stared at me all night. I figured if he didn't get up and talk to me, I would have to do it. I felt kinda bad for him. He was so shy." A couple of the women awed at this.

"Ha yeah," Pj said, pinching Felix again. "I kept thinking, 'Who's that dork across the room?'"

"Oh whatever. You were shy and nervous. Eventually you came up and said hi and the rest is history, I suppose."

One of Pj's young cousins leaned forward in her chair, her brown curls swinging over her shoulders. "How 'bout a kiss?"

"Yeah!" "Just one?" "Cmon Pj you never bring anyone here." Multiple people spoke and once, urging the 'couple' on.

"Oh no. I don't think Pj would be comfortable with that. Right Pj?" Felix asked. He'd hoped he would back down and save them both some embarrassment.

One kiss couldn't hurt, Pj thought. He shrugged to Felix's words and shifted his body to face him better. Felix's eyebrows scrunched in confusion before realising he was going to have to kiss Pj, his best friend. He blew out a long breath before leaning forward. Pj met him halfway and their lips grazed against each other.

Instinctively Pj reached up to grip Felix's shoulder, dropping his drink in the process. Felix jumped back in surprise as the liquid spread through his shirt.

"Shit Felix. I'm so sorry!" Pj said picking up his cup and apologizing.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm sure it'll dry at some point," Felix mumbled half heartedly. His eyes were locked on Pj's lips.

"Oh honey, take his upstairs to your room. There should be some old t-shirts of yours in there," Clara offered.

Pj nodded his head frantically and pulled Felix up from the couch. He lead him up to his childhood room and pushed open the door. Keeping ahold of his hand, he grabbed for a box on the bed and pulled it open. "Um, just look through here and get something. The should fit. I'll wait outside," Pj rushed out. Felix nodded his head, still looking quite shocked.

Pj stepped out of the room to allow him some privacy. He leaned against the door and waited for him to finish changing. He tapped his foot nervously on the floor.

Eventually Felix pulled open the door causing Pj to fall over slightly. Once he recovered he looked up to see Felix in one of his old Legend of Zelda t-shirts. Pj couldn't help but smile. "Sorry about getting your shirt wet," he gestured to the crumbled black shirt in his hand.

"It's okay. Next time we kiss I'll step on your foot or something to get you back," Felix chuckled.

"Next time," Pj raised his eyebrows.

"Oh. I uh.." Felix began shuffling his hands and becoming nervous. He hadn't realised what he said.

"When's next time," Pj asked stepping closer.

Felix took a deep breath and decided to let himself say it. "Now?"

"Sounds good to me," Pj whispered smirking. He cupped Felix's face with one hand and brought their lips together once again.

A.N.- I apologize for the long wait, but I hope this long part makes up for it a bit.

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