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"Bye sweetheart! See you soon!" Pj's mom called out the door to the last remaining cousin. She pushed the wooden door closed with a sigh and turned back to her son, who was helping wash up in the kitchen. "I love this family, but they can really wear me out."

"You said it, not me," Pj laughed. Felix let out a snort and handed him another glass to dry. "What? You agree?"

"Well, it's just that Karen wouldn't leave me alone. She practically fried my brain with all her questions."

"Oh that's just her, Felix. She cornered me the first time Ben brought me home," Clara recalled. "She likes to do that. No idea why."

"Oh, it's just 'cause she's as nosy as an elephant," Ben said placing a hand on his wife's shoulder. She giggled quietly at the terrible attempt at a joke as the boys rolled their eyes. Clara led him away to the couch to rest as the boys finished cleaning the dishes.

Pj waited until his parents were out of earshot before leaning closer to Felix and whispering, "I think we managed it, yeah?"

"Nobody has said anything, so I suppose we have. Nice job team," Felix whispered back and held up a hand. Pj returned the soapy high five with a smile.

"Thanks man. I owe you."

"10 pounds right?" Felix smirked back at Pj. Pj nodded and ducked his head down to finish scrubbing the last pot, his cheeks suddenly blushing at Felix's mischievous smile.


After leaving the dishes to dry on the drip rack, Pj pulled Felix to the couch and sat on the opposite end of his parents, keeping ahold of Felix's hand even after they sat. As soon as they sat down, Ben stood up.

"Well boys, I think me and the Mrs. will be heading off to bed now. It's been a long day for these creaky old bones of mine," he said with a yawn on its tail end.

Clara stood as well and followed her husband up the stairs to their room. "Night, Felix. Night, Pj. There's extra blankets and such in the hall cupboard."

"Night Mum."

"Goodnight Clara." Felix gave a little wave. After a moments silence, he spoke up again. "Where are we sleeping?"

"Oh, duh. Sorry, um... I figured you could sleep upstairs in my old room and I'd sleep down here on the hide away bed. As long as you're okay with that," Pj explained.

"Oh. Yeah that's fine."

"Cmon, let's get your bed situated then. Gotta get those boxes off. Make sure there's no dust bunnies on the bed," Pj said and lifted himself up.

They made their way up the groaning stairs and reached the white door of Pj's childhood room. He hesitated a moment, remembering the kiss they had shared earlier that day. His stomach dropped at the memory of Felix's words.

He pushed the door open and moved to the bed, quickly grabbing boxes and moving them off. Felix came up beside him and helped him shift the boxes to the corner of the room, all filled with old clothes and knick-knacks once owned by a young Pj.

Once the last box was removed, Pj shook out the comforter for good measure and stood back. "It's ready. Uh, there's extra blankets under the bed if you need them."

"Thanks..." Felix trailed off feeling the awkward tension in the room. 'What is wrong with us?' He had a horrible feeling in his stomach that this stupid false relationship had ruined their real relationship.

Pj suddenly turned to Felix and rested a hand on his shoulder. He needed to address the weirdness, atleast slightly. "Thank you. For today. I'm sure that whatever this is will go back to normal once we're home again." He pushed a smile onto his face.

Felix pushed forward and wrapped him in a loose hug and said against his shoulder, "It's no problem. S'what friends do. Well...not really, but you know what I mean." He let go and chuckled softly. "I'll see you in the morning then yeah?"

Pj smiled broader, "Yeah." He walked to the door, but paused before stepping out. "Goodnight, Felix."

"Goodnight, Pj."

He turned around and descended down the stairs.

A.N.- God I'm so sorry guys. I'm not very good at keeping up with this. This part isn't amazing, but I've written it over like two weeks. I just have been busy, state competition and prom. Really just excuses. Sorry

It's Just For the Weekend (KickthePewdie)Where stories live. Discover now