The Drive

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We didn't talk much for the rest of the week. Felix texted once, asking if he needed to bring a side dish or anything special. I think we both knew any communication could lead to Felix dropping out and honestly that would make it much more awkward in the future. The almost boyfriends.

Felix is an anxious person full of awkwardness and I didn't want him to think about it anymore than he had to. When Friday night came, I couldn't sleep and when he responded to my two a.m. text about what time I'd be at his place, I knew he couldn't either.

I woke after one rough hour of sleep horribly anxious and shaking as soon as I remebered the scheme I was about to attempt to pull off. There was a huge possibility that my family would be able to tell that Felix and I weren't actually a couple and then I'd  have to explain this whole awkward situation that I put myself in. I would never hear the end of it, which would be so much worse than the usual 'still single' nagging. "It's going to be fine. Just fine," I whispered to myself while swinging my legs off the bed and standing on weak legs.

After a shower and a quick hair dry I  shot Felix a text saying I'd be heading over in a moment. I shoved clothes from my bedroom floor into an overnight bag and slipped my glasses uo my nose. With one last mirror check I walked out the front door.

The drive to Felix's place was short, but it gave me enough time to hatch about a billion butterflies in my stomach. From the end of his driveway, I could see his head peaking out from behind the curtain of his living room window. He held up one finger and disappeared back into his house. I pulled into his drive way saw Felix peaking through his living room window before he disappeared. I assumed he was grabbing something and let my head fall against the head rest. I pushed out a long breath, attempting to displace some those butterflies that had grown in my gut. Felix reappeared soon after coming out of  his front door and walking around to the passenger side of the car. He tossed a bag in the back before sliding into the seat next to me.

"Hey," Felix breathed out, throwing me a timid smile.

"Hey man." I glanced at his attire before shifting the car into reverse. Felix had dressed up a tad in a black button down shirt that contrasted well with his white hair and blue eyes. "You look nice."

"Oh," Felix glanced down at himself, "Thanks, I had considered shaving the beard. I was worried it made me look too scruffy."

"No. It looks nice," I assured him. I suddenly felt under dressed in my space jumper and dark jeans. I pulled out into the street and began the drive to my parents' house. Felix smiled again and turned his head to look out the window.

About forty-five minutes of nothing but TV Girl and my drumming fingers making noise passed by before I sighed quite loudly. This was too awkward; the air was filled with our very tangible nerves. We were supposed to be a couple in something like four hours and we weren't even talking to each other now. Felix turned his head to look at me with raised eyebrows, as if to ask 'what?'. "We've got to get over this awkwardness."

"Yeah, and how are we going to do that? I don't know how to act like I'm in love with you," he complained back.

I sighed again. "I think um... I think we should get used to being close to each other." I kept my eyes on the road, not wanting to look at Felix and the horrible face he was probably giving me.


"We can't be far apart from each other if we're supposed to be a couple. We should probably like hold hands or something like that, I don't know." I got more quiet as I explained nyself. Part of me was expecting a punch to the jaw or at the very least a blatant rejection.

Felix's eyes widened slightly, breath catching in his throat. "You're right, I guess. Um..." He then put his hand out face up as an invitation for me to hold his hand. I slowly dropped my hand into Felix's and intertwined our fingers. I could feel my face flush immediately and hoped he hadn't noticed.

I couldn't help but smile at the way his fingers slotted against mine. I glanced over at him and saw his eyes trained on our hands. I tentatively brought them over to my lap for an easier reach on the wheel and Felix simply shifted his elbow closer.

When he began rubbing circles over my thumb, I finally believed that we could pull this off.

I have no excuses for the wait. I'm just awful and I'm sorry. Also, is this going well? Besides the stupid long waits, is this rewrite worth it? A last thing, should I adjust the way Felix looks to current him with the short beard and brown hair or keep the white and beard in?

It's Just For the Weekend (KickthePewdie)Where stories live. Discover now